non-financial indicators

Non-Financial Indicators In the 21st century, businesses are focusing on much more than just the financial aspects of their operations. Non-financial indicators are now an important part of the performance evaluation of any company. Non-financial indicators help measure the overall health of a bu......

Non-Financial Indicators

In the 21st century, businesses are focusing on much more than just the financial aspects of their operations. Non-financial indicators are now an important part of the performance evaluation of any company. Non-financial indicators help measure the overall health of a business in areas such as customer satisfaction, employee engagement, and risk factors. These indicators can provide a valuable insight into how a company is performing and how its strategy is being implemented.

What are Non-Financial Indicators?

Non-financial indicators are measures of performance that cannot be easily expressed in financial terms. Unlike financial indicators such as a company’s financial performance or cash flow, non-financial indicators are used to assess a company’s internal operations and stakeholders’ perception of its performance. Non-financial indicators include customer satisfaction, employee engagement, environmental impacts, quality of products and services, production outcomes, and risk assessment.

Customer Satisfaction

Customer satisfaction is a key non-financial indicator of success for any business. Its important to measure customer satisfaction often and accurately to help identify areas of improvement and explore strategies that drive customer satisfaction. The most common way to measure customer satisfaction is through surveys. Surveys are a great way to get direct customer feedback and provide valuable insights into how customers feel about your company.

Employee Engagement

Employee engagement is also an important non-financial indicator of success. Engaged employees are more productive, better motivated, and more likely to drive the growth of the organization. Engagement should be measured using surveys and/or performance reviews.

Environmental Impacts

An organization’s environmental performance is an important non-financial indicator that should not be ignored. Evaluating a company’s environmental impact and setting environmental performance goals can help ensure the company is acting in an environmentally responsible manner. The most common way to measure environmental performance is through self assessments, external assessments, or compliance with environmental laws and regulations.

Quality of Products and Services

The quality of a company’s products and services is also a key non-financial indicator. Quality should be assessed not only from the customer’s perspective, but from the internal perspective as well. Quality assurance measures such as customer feedback systems and product testing can help ensure a company is delivering the best possible product.

Production Outcomes

Production outcomes such as on-time delivery, efficiency, and cost effectiveness are important non-financial indicators. Measuring these indicators can help a business see how quickly and efficiently it is producing products and services, and can help identify areas of improvement.


Risk assessment is an important non-financial indicator. Companies must consider the financial and non-financial risks associated with their operations, and work to develop strategies to manage and mitigate potential risks. Risk should be measured using quantitative and qualitative methods and should be reevaluated periodically.


Non-financial indicators are a vital part of assessing a company’s overall performance. From customer satisfaction to environmental impacts to risk assessment, non-financial indicators can provide valuable insights into how a business is performing and what areas need improvement. As businesses continue to evolve in the 21st century, non-financial indicators should be used to evaluate performance, measure success, and ensure the long-term sustainability of the organization.

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