OEC Management Act

Introduction OEC (Organizational Effectiveness and Change) Management is a process whereby an organization can proactively align its structure, processes and people with an ever-evolving landscape of competitive forces, technologies and customer demands. By understanding and using the OEC approa......


OEC (Organizational Effectiveness and Change) Management is a process whereby an organization can proactively align its structure, processes and people with an ever-evolving landscape of competitive forces, technologies and customer demands. By understanding and using the OEC approach, organizations can become more competitive in their markets, achieve significant cost savings and greater employee productivity.

The OEC Process

The OEC process is based on the idea of continuous improvement rather than striving for perfection. This is achieved by considering two aspects of the organization: the external environment and the internal environment. External forces such as technology, competition and customer needs, constantly challenge an organization’s capabilities, and must be taken into account in order to remain competitive. Internal forces such as organizational structure, process and employee capabilities must also be capable of being changed in order to take advantage of external opportunities and reacting to external threats.

The OEC Management process is divided into three stages, each of which will be discussed in more detail below:

1. Environmental Analysis

2. Change Design and Implementation

3. Evaluation and Refinement

Environmental Analysis

The first stage of the OEC process is to conduct an environmental analysis. This involves a thorough investigation of both the internal and external environment of the organization. The aim of the environmental analysis is to identify and analyze any factors which may be affecting the organization’s performance, such as market trends, customer needs, government regulations and competition. The environmental analysis should also identify and analyze any opportunities for improvement, such as new technologies or processes which could be adopted and implemented.

Change Design and Implementation

Once the environmental analysis is complete, the next stage of the OEC Process is to design and implement appropriate strategic and tactical changes which will improve the overall effectiveness of the organization. These changes could include reorganizing staff and resources, adopting new processes and technologies, or introducing new products or services. The goal of this stage is to ensure that the organization is well equipped to respond to the external environment and to maximize the potential of the internal environment.

Evaluation and Refinement

The last stage of the OEC process is to evaluate and refine the changes made in the previous stage. This is done by monitoring and analyzing the performance of the organization to ensure that the changes have had the desired effect and that any new opportunities or threats have been identified. This process should also be used to refine the organizational structure, processes and people to ensure that the organization is best able to take advantage of the external environment and react to its changing demands.


In conclusion, OEC Management is an effective process for organizations to proactively align their structures, processes and people in order to maximize their potential in an ever-changing external environment. The OEC Process consists of three stages: environmental analysis, change design and implementation and evaluation and refinement. By understanding and utilizing the OEC process, organizations can become more competitive and successful in their markets, achieve significant cost savings and greater employee productivity.

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