Influence of Impurities and Alloying Elements on the Plasticity of Steel

alloy 448 1032 Sophia

Influence of Impurity and Alloying Elements on Plasticity of Steel Abstract Steel, an alloy based on iron, is widely used in a variety of applications due to its balance of strength, ductility and cost effectiveness. The addition of impurities and alloying elements can greatly influence the plas......

Influence of Impurity and Alloying Elements on Plasticity of Steel


Steel, an alloy based on iron, is widely used in a variety of applications due to its balance of strength, ductility and cost effectiveness. The addition of impurities and alloying elements can greatly influence the plasticity of steel. This paper will discuss the influence of impurities and alloying elements on the plasticity of steel, focusing on the effects of carbon, manganese, nitrogen, chromium, molybdenum, vanadium, niobium, copper, tungsten and nickel. It will also discuss the potential effects of these additives on other properties, such as strength and corrosion resistance.

Keywords: steel, impurities, alloying elements, plasticity


Steel is an alloy comprised of iron and several other elements including carbon, manganese, nitrogen, chromium, molybdenum, vanadium, niobium, copper, tungsten and nickel. These alloys are often added in measurable quantities to customize the properties of the base steel. This combination of elements makes steel an ideal material for many applications. High strength, good ductility and low cost makes it the preferred choice for many structural components and consumer goods. The plasticity of steel is an important consideration for many designs, so understanding the influence of impurities and alloying elements on the plasticity of steel is critical for successful applications.

Effects of Carbon

Carbon is the most prevalent impurity found in steelmaking and has the greatest influence on the final properties of the steel. Added in small amounts, carbon improves the strength of steel due to its ability to form carbides with various alloying elements when appropriate heat treatments are used. At higher percentages, carbon has a negative effect on plasticity, as the increase in strength causes a decrease in ductility.

Effects of Manganese

Manganese is added to steel in order to improve its formability and strength without affecting the overall form too much. Increasing the amount of this alloying element increases the strength of the steel, as well as its ductility and toughness. However, if too much manganese is added it can also negatively affect the plasticity of the steel, as the steel may become too stiff and brittle.

Effects of Nitrogen

Nitrogen is added to steel in order to improve it’s strength, toughness and ductility. Increasing the amount of nitrogen in the steel increases the overall strength of the steel, which can have a positive effect on the plasticity of the steel if appropriate heat treatments are used. However, too much nitrogen can also adversely affect the plasticity of the steel as it decrease the strength and ductility.

Effects of Chromium

Chromium is primarily added to steel to increase its corrosion resistance. This element can also improve the ductility and toughness of the steel. Increased amounts of chromium can have a positive effect on plasticity as it increases strength, however, too much chromium can cause embrittlement and decrease the overall plasticity of the steel.

Effects of Molybdenum

Molybdenum is added in order to increase the strength and toughness of the steel. Increasing the amount of molybdenum can improve the plasticity of the steel, as it increases the strength and ductility. However, if too much molybdenum is added, it can have a negative effect on the plasticity as it can reduce the overall strength and ductility of the steel.

Effects of Vanadium

Vanadium is added to steel to increase its strength and toughness. Increasing the amounts of this element can have a positive effect on plasticity as it increases strength and ductility. However, if too much vanadium is added, it can decrease the plasticity of the steel due to embrittlement.

Effects of Niobium

Niobium is added to steel in order to increase its strength and ductility. Increasing niobium has a positive effect on plasticity as it increases both strength and ductility. However, if too much niobium is added it can reduce the plasticity of the steel.

Effects of Copper

Copper is added to steel in order to increase its corrosion resistance and wear resistance. Increasing copper has a positive effect on plasticity as it increases both strength and ductility. However, if too much copper is added it can have a negative effect on the plasticity of the steel due to embrittlement.

Effects of Tungsten

Tungsten is added to steel in order to increase its strength and wear resistance. Increasing amounts of tungsten can have a positive effect on plasticity as it increases the strength and ductility. However, too much tungsten can decrease the plasticity of the steel due to embrittlement.

Effects of Nickel

Nickel is added to steel in order to improve its strength and toughness. Increasing amounts of nickel can have a positive effect on plasticity as it increases strength and ductility. However, if too much nickel is added it can reduce the plasticity of the steel due to embrittlement.


Steel is an ideal material for many different applications due to its balance of strength, ductility and cost effectiveness. The addition of impurities and alloying elements can greatly influence the plasticity of steel. Carbon, manganese, nitrogen, chromium, molybdenum, vanadium, niobium, copper, tungsten and nickel can all have a positive or negative influence on the plasticity of steel, depending on the level of addition. Understanding these influences is critical for successful applications.

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