
Finance and Economics 3239 03/07/2023 1061 Sophia

Introduction A power of attorney (abbreviated POA) is an important legal document that allows an individual to delegate their authority to make decisions and take legal actions to someone else. This transfer of power is also known as “attorney-in-fact” or “agent,” and is often used when the c......


A power of attorney (abbreviated POA) is an important legal document that allows an individual to delegate their authority to make decisions and take legal actions to someone else. This transfer of power is also known as “attorney-in-fact” or “agent,” and is often used when the creator of the POA (the “principal”) isn’t able to, for whatever reason, take care of their own personal or business affairs.

Types of Power of Attorney

There are several different kinds of POAs, each applicable in different scenarios. Limited power of attorney (LPOA) is most commonly used when the principal is going to be unavailable, either permanently or temporarily, and still wants to have some level of control over their matters. This lets the principal authorize their agent to make decisions on their behalf without all the authority granted under a general POA. Special POAs are used to grant the agent a one-time-only power to act on behalf of the principal for a specific purpose. Durable POAs are similar to general POAs, except that they remain in effect even if the principal becomes incapacitated.

Creating a Power of Attorney

When creating a POA, the principal must never forget that the person to whom they grant their power will act on their behalf as if they were the principal, and thus must choose their attorney with the utmost care.

Before signing the document, the principal should discuss what matters they want covered with the attorney, and make sure they understand the document fully. They should also take the time to meet with their attorney in person to ensure that their attorney understands their particular situation and the matters they want their attorney to handle.

Contents of the Document

The POA document itself should include the names of the principal and attorney, the date the document is executed, and a clear definition of the powers granted to the attorney. The document should also include a clause that states the POA is revocable, meaning the principal can cancel or terminate the POA at any time. Finally, the document should contain a statement giving the attorney the authority to act on the principal’s behalf and execute any decisions on their behalf.


Power of attorney documents can be an extremely useful tool for individuals who are unavailable or otherwise unable to make their own decisions. They can be used for a variety of purposes, from business matters to medical decisions, and should be created carefully and thoughtfully by the principal to ensure their best interests are protected.

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Finance and Economics 3239 2023-07-03 1061 Luminous Sparkle

Introduction A Power of Attorney (POA) is a document used to give certain legal powers to an individual, such as signing contracts, managing finances and real estate, making medical decisions for someone, or even making decisions to sell someone’s property. The individual who is giving the power......


A Power of Attorney (POA) is a document used to give certain legal powers to an individual, such as signing contracts, managing finances and real estate, making medical decisions for someone, or even making decisions to sell someone’s property. The individual who is giving the powers to the other person is known as the “principal”, while the person receiving the powers is known as the “attorney-in-fact.” This document is essential for any situation where a principal is not able or available to make decisions that need to be taken care of.

Types of POAs

A POA can be very specific or broad in its scope, depending on what it is being used for. The most common type of Power of Attorney is the “General Power of Attorney” which allows the attorney-in-fact to take any legal action on behalf of the principal. This document can also be limited to certain activities such as managing one specific property or making health care decisions.

There is also a “Durable Power of Attorney” which is very similar to the General Power of Attorney, but it remains in effect even in the event the principal becomes incapacitated or otherwise unable to make decisions on their own. This type of Power of Attorney is very important to have in case of illnesses, accidents, or other potential incapacitating scenarios.

Using a POA

Using a Power of Attorney document is very simple and straightforward. First, the principal must sign the document and have it notarized. Next, the attorney-in-fact must also sign the document and have it notarized. Once this is done, the attorney-in-fact has the rights to act on behalf of the principal for the purpose stated in the Power of Attorney. It is important that both parties read and understand the document in full before signing it, as it can have serious implications if not used properly.


A Power of Attorney is an important and necessary document for any situation where a decision needs to be made and the principal is not available or able to make it. It is important to understand and follow the proper procedure when using this document to ensure it is being properly used and not abused. It is also important to read, understand, and agree to the document before signing it, as mistakes can have serious implications.

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