Beijing Shengshengyuanyuan Business Center

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Beijing Shengshengyuanyuan Trade Center Beijing Shengshengyuanyuan Trade Center is an important trading center for Chinas import and export business. Located in the heart of the city, the center is surrounded by shopping malls, hotels, restaurants, and other tourist attractions. The trade center......

Beijing Shengshengyuanyuan Trade Center

Beijing Shengshengyuanyuan Trade Center is an important trading center for Chinas import and export business. Located in the heart of the city, the center is surrounded by shopping malls, hotels, restaurants, and other tourist attractions.

The trade center was established in 1981 and has since become one of the major import and export business centers in the country. As of 2020, the center employs over 1000 people and is open to the public daily, offering a variety of import and export-related services.

The center hosts a range of activities including trade fairs, factory tours, educational seminars, and corporate workshops. In addition, the center has a product gallery showcasing high-quality domestic and international products.

The center works closely with the Chinese government, other trade organizations, international organizations, and private companies to promote and facilitate global trade. The center also offers a wide range of business-related services, including marketing and investment promotion.

The trade center is equipped with advanced communications technology and provides prompt, reliable and secure trade network services for customers. It also provides business matchmaking services, business analysis, market surveys and in-depth analysis of the industry. It also provides comprehensive support services for exporters, including foreign market exploration, product promotion, and financial services.

Beijing Shengshengyuanyuan Trade Center is an important international trade hub, and works diligently to reduce barriers to international trade and to enable the smooth flow of products, services, and capital across borders. The center continues to strive to open up new markets and promote global trade.

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