GB 12801-91 General Principles of Safety and Sanitation Requirements for Production Process

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12801-91 Production Process Safety and Health Requirements General Provisions This standard specifies the requirements and regulations of the production process safety and health in order to prevent and reduce occupational accidents, injuries and diseases. The objective of this standard is to ens......

12801-91 Production Process Safety and Health Requirements General Provisions

This standard specifies the requirements and regulations of the production process safety and health in order to prevent and reduce occupational accidents, injuries and diseases. The objective of this standard is to ensure the health and safety of workers, provide a safe and conducive working environment so that the production process safety and health can be realized.

Part one: Scope and Terminology

1.1 Scope

This Standard applies to the production process safety and health of enterprises.

1.2 Terms

1.2.1 Production process: It refers to the process of production work from the raw material entering the workshop to the finished product leaving the workshop.

1.2.2 Health protection: Refers to the protection of workers from physical, mental and social harm caused by the health hazards of the working environment.

1.2.3 Safety protection: Refers to the protection of workers from physical, mental and social harm caused by various accidents which are of high probability of occurrence and have serious consequences.

1.2.4 Risk assessment: Through the combination of probability and adverse effect, the estimation of the risk is made to evaluate the health or safety risks that may be posed.

1.2.5 Risk management: It refers to the specific procedures of activities to eliminate or reduce risks such as formulating safety rules and implementing safety measures.

Part two: safety and health regulation

2.1 Safety and Health Regulation

2.1.1 Health Evaluation

(1) The health evaluation shall cover the hazardous substances and sources of occupational injuries and diseases, as well as the ergonomics and psychological aspects related to the production process.

(2) The health evaluation shall be given in sufficient time before the start of production or the introduction of new production processes.

(3) The health evaluation shall include the setting of proper exposure limits for hazardous substances, safety and health goals, measures for their attainment, and the monitoring and testing of ambient air, wastewater, and noise levels.

(4) The employer shall ensure that each worker receives health evaluation regularly.

2.1.2 Safety Evaluation

(1) The safety evaluation shall cover the machinery and equipment, hazardous substances and dangerous sources, fire and explosive risks, environmental risks, etc.

(2) The safety evaluation shall be given in sufficient time before the start of production or the introduction of new production processes.

(3) The safety evaluation shall include the setting of proper safety goals, measures for their attainment, periodic safety inspections, safety training and daily safety checks.

(4) The employer shall ensure that each worker receives safety evaluation regularly.

2.2 Safety and Health Training and Education

2.2.1 Each worker shall receive adequate safety and health training and education.

2.2.2 The training and education shall cover the introduction of the production process and the health and safety protection necessary for it, the safety and health regulations and their compliance, and the identification and prevention of any potential hazards and accidents.

2.2.3 The employer shall organize regular safety seminars and drills and keep records of the same.

Part three: Supervision and Inspection

3.1 Supervision

(1) Employers shall establish appropriate safety and health organizations and appoint special persons in charge to supervise the observance of safety and health rules.

(2) Employers shall establish safety and health committees to perform safety and health supervision, investigation, consultation and education services and plan safety and health educational courses.

3.2 Inspection

(1) Employers shall set up safety and health inspection teams to carry out safety and health inspections and surveys.

(2) The safety and health inspection team shall conduct inspection and checks on a regular basis.

Part four: Reward and punishment

4.1 Prize

(1) The employer shall, in accordance with national regulations, formulate and publish rewards for workers who made outstanding contributions to safety and health protection and commend them.

(2) The employer shall set up a reward system for workers who abide by safety and health regulations and take measures to reduce occupational risks.

4.2 Punishment

(1) The employer shall sternly punish workers who violate safety and health regulations.

(2) The employer shall formulate and publish relevant regulations on the punishment of violations of safety and health regulations.


This Standard stipulates the requirements and regulations of the production process safety and health in order to prevent and reduce occupational accidents, injuries and diseases. Employers shall set up safety and health organizations, reward and punish the compliance with safety and health rules, and implement safety and health training and education. All of these will ensure the health and safety of workers, provide a safer and healthier working environment, and realize the safety and health of the production process.

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