Pressure pipeline installation safety quality supervision and inspection rules

,在附件中 Introduction The pressure pipeline installation is a national pipeline security project, which is also an important part of corporate management work. It is directly related to human life and property safety. Proper installation and inspection must be formulated and implemented in the con......

,在附件中 Introduction The pressure pipeline installation is a national pipeline security project, which is also an important part of corporate management work. It is directly related to human life and property safety. Proper installation and inspection must be formulated and implemented in the construction process. Safety Quality Supervision and Inspection Rules. In order to ensure the safety of personnel and assets during pressure pipeline installation construction, an important part of a country ’s pipeline safety construction, it is also important for installing enterprises to formulate and implement installation safety quality supervision and inspection standards. topic 1Safety organization and responsibilities 1.1 Organize safety construction, formulate safety management systems and establish safety responsibilities. 1.2 Establish a security committee to be responsible for comprehensive supervision of the actual condition of pressure pipeline installation safety, timely discover and effectively treat risks and hazards. 1.3 Manage life-saving and emergency equipment such as fire extinguishers, sprayers and emergency lights on the construction site. 1.4 Establish safety production promotion, raise safety awareness and improve safety management. topic 2Personnel training and safety education 2.1 Personnel on the construction site should have a safety production certificate and safety knowledge. 2.2 Regular on-site safety trainings and safety education have to be held on the construction site. 2.3 The construction supervisor should frequently hold safety video lectures to improve personnel’s safety awareness. 2.4 On-site personnel must be equipped with safety helmets, safety shoes, protective tools, etc for self-protection. topic 3Material preparation 3.1 Pressure pipeline has to be professionally quarantined before used. 3.2 Material purchasing should locate in spot to prevent potential risks. 3.3 Receive and check materials in written form.topic 4Technical preparation 4.1 Inspect materials purchased to be qualified before use. 4.2 Regularly check and clean the construction site, set up safe passage and prevent the corrosion of pipeline material 4.3 Conduct risk assessment, draw safety measures and establish safety guardrails. 4.4 Install protective net and warning signs at the construction site. topic 5Construction Process 5.1 During the construction process, follow the construction process strictly and implement safety measures. 5.2 Demonstration installation, such as weld seam examination, pressure testing and other operations must be carried out by professional personnel. 5.3 Check the installation compound of construction parts in time to prevent potential risks. 5.4 Ensure the construction quality and effectively prevent the potential mechanical damage of pipeline.topic 6Clearance inspection 6.1 After the completion of the project, the fire protection system, safety equipment and safety facilities are inspected and verified, and then submitted to the safety audit. 6.2 Check the installation conditions of the safety equipment, whether the safety equipment works correctly and correctly, and complete the installation records. 6.3 Inspect if the risk analysis and hazard control measures in the engineering process meet the requirements of the national and industrial standards. 6.4 This inspection must be recorded and submitted to the relevant departments for filing. Conclusion The national pressure pipeline installation safety is closely related to the safety of peoples life and property. Proper installation and inspection must be formulated and implemented in the construction process, and effective safety production specifications must be drawn up, so as to ensure the safety and safety of personnel and property during the construction process.
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