work life balance

Introduction Everyday life can be so busy and stressful. We face various obligations, duties, and tasks that can be daunting and leave us feeling overwhelmed. Due to the demands of life, it can be hard to find the time and energy to maintain a balanced life. Work, family and social obligations ca......


Everyday life can be so busy and stressful. We face various obligations, duties, and tasks that can be daunting and leave us feeling overwhelmed. Due to the demands of life, it can be hard to find the time and energy to maintain a balanced life. Work, family and social obligations can leave us feeling like we have little to no time for ourselves. However, achieving a balance between work, life and health is necessary for our physical, mental and emotional well-being.

Importance of Maintaining a Balance

Learning to maintain a balance between work, life and health can be beneficial in more ways than one. It can help prevent burnout and reduce stress while promoting physical and mental well-being. A balanced life will provide opportunities to enjoy the daily activities we are so immersed in, as well as, assisting with achieving personal and career goals. Time management and setting realistic goals can help create balance.

Time Management

Time management requires setting priorities while delegating tasks and responsibilities. Making a to-do list and setting a schedule are also beneficial in helping to manage time. Knowing the time needed to complete a task, knowing what tasks require more time and delegating these tasks to someone else can be beneficial.

Set Reasonable Goals

Setting realistic goals is important to allow flexibility and remain organized. Trying to do too much in too little time can lead to feelings of overwhelm and stress. Seeking out help when needed and delegation of tasks will allow ambition and successful completion of goals.

Active Listening

Active listening can be important in allowing for the opportunity to hear and process what a speaker is saying. Asking questions and thanking the speaker can also be beneficial. Active listening promotes communication and assists in bringing attention to details that were missed.

Develop Self-Care

Developing a habit of self-care will be beneficial to promote relaxation, productivity, and good physical/mental health. Incorporating a hobby into your routine and engaging in an exercise or yoga class are some of the ways we can develop the habits of self-care. Not having the time for these activities can bring about feelings of anxiety. Making time for self-care will provide relief from anxiety and stress.


Maintaining a balance between work, life and health is important in order to achieve relief from stress while also promoting overall well-being. Time management and setting realistic goals will increase productivity and success while also promoting relaxation and self-care. A balanced life is one with more enthusiasm and increased levels of productivity.

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