Metallurgical raw material washing workshop design

Metallurgical Raw Material Washing Plant Design Introduction Raw materials are essential for the production of various metals and alloys. Washing plants play an important role in raw materials management, to deliver a consistent and reliable supply of raw materials to the production process. Whe......

Metallurgical Raw Material Washing Plant Design


Raw materials are essential for the production of various metals and alloys. Washing plants play an important role in raw materials management, to deliver a consistent and reliable supply of raw materials to the production process. When designing a washing plant, factors such as capacity, location, process layout, raw material input-output rate should all be take into consideration. This report details the design of a washing plant for metallurgical raw materials, taking into account the aforementioned factors.

Process Layout

The process layout for the washing plant will consist of four distinct stages. The first stage will involve the raw material being unloaded from rail or truck. Once the raw material is received, it will be stockpiled in a holding area. The second stage of the process is the crushing and screening of the material, reducing it down to a size suitable for downstream processes. The third stage will involve passing the material through a washing process, utilizing water or industry standard cleaning chemicals to reduce any dirt and debris. The final stage will be the sorting and stockpiling of the treated material to the appropriate size, before being delivered to the production facility.


The capacity of the washing plant is dependent on a number of key factors. This includes the expected throughput of raw material into the plant, the size of the material, as well as any additional processes that may be required along each stage (e.g. drying, air agitation etc.). With these factors taken into consideration, the washing plant should have a peak throughput capacity of 3,000 metric tons per hour.


The washing plant should be located as close to the production facility as possible, to reduce any transport costs associated with raw material delivery. Additionally, the chosen location should also have the available space to accommodate the washing plant, along with any other necessary infrastructure, while taking into account any safety regulations associated with the process.

Raw Material Input/Output

The raw material will be received into the washing plant either via rail or truck. At this stage the raw material should be checked for quality and quantity, with any discrepancies logged and recorded. The treated raw material will then be discharged into trucks or stockpiles and then delivered to the production facility.


This report presented the design of a washing plant for metallurgical raw materials. The process layout of the plant was discussed, based on four distinct stages. The capacity of the plant should be able to handle a peak throughput of 3,000 metric tons per hour. The washing plant should be located close to the production facility, with the appropriate space available to facilitate the infrastructure of the plant. Upon receipt of the raw material, it should be checked for quality and quantity and then discharged for delivery to the production facility.

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