Huaihai Economic Zone

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HUAIHAI Economic Zone In the twenty-first century, hinterland, economic zone and relative concentration are standard phrases for organizations, companies and enterprises. One of the most influential of these organizations is the Huaihai Economic Zone in China. Huaihai Economic Zone (HHEZ) is a r......

HUAIHAI Economic Zone

In the twenty-first century, hinterland, economic zone and relative concentration are standard phrases for organizations, companies and enterprises. One of the most influential of these organizations is the Huaihai Economic Zone in China.

Huaihai Economic Zone (HHEZ) is a regional development program launched in the Yangtze River Delta region on the east coast of China in 2009. The goal of the program is to bring together the cities and development projects in the region to promote economic growth and boost the competitiveness of each city in the area.

HHEZ is a unique form of regional development. It combines both a strategic geographical location and a comprehensive economic development scheme. It covers an area of over 300 km2 across four provinces in east China, including the heavily industrialized municipality of Shanghai, Jiangsu, and Anhui. The master plan focuses on promoting a series of strategic industries, such as clean energy, new materials, high-tech manufacturing and biopharmaceuticals, which will play a key role in driving China’s future economic growth.

The HHEZ is a living example of China’s commitment to regional development, which began in the early 2000s. Since then, much of China’s economic growth has been concentrated in the Yangtze River Delta region, particularly Shanghai, and measures such as the HHEZ are had clear goals to further develop and open up the potential of this region of China.

The leaders of the HHEZ envision the zone to become a ‘Magnet for Investment’, as well as a hub for cutting-edge research, development, manufacturing and innovation. This can be seen through the efforts being made to create an environment for enterprise, innovation and research and development. Specifically, the leaders are seeking to:

- attract high-quality talent and capital;

- foster a culture of innovation and creative thinking;

- foster cooperation between national and international corporations;

- improve infrastructure and logistics; and

- provide access to a large, diverse and educated workforce.

The HHEZ is not yet a finished product, but the progress so far has been remarkable. It is already one of the most competitive, productive and innovative regions in the world, and is at the forefront of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The consistent focus on all components of regional development, such as innovation and technology, human capital, global market access and infrastructure, is a key factor that has seen it become a truly world-class example of regional development.

Huaihai Economic Zone is set to be a leader in the development of the Yangtze River Delta region, a hub of cutting-edge research and development and a driver of increased economic output in the area. Ultimately, the HHEZ has the potential to become a global leader in regional economic development, and will no doubt continue to be an example of what is possible when creative and ambitious minds come together and push boundaries.

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