Stainless Steel, Corrosion Resistant and Heat Resistant Steel Grades in China

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China Stainless, Corrosion and Heat Resistant Steels Stainless, corrosion and heat resistant steels are highly sought after metals in China. These metals are incredibly versatile, with many applications in a variety of industries. In particular, the food, pharmaceutical and chemical industries re......

China Stainless, Corrosion and Heat Resistant Steels

Stainless, corrosion and heat resistant steels are highly sought after metals in China. These metals are incredibly versatile, with many applications in a variety of industries. In particular, the food, pharmaceutical and chemical industries rely on these metals, which is why the Chinese government heavily invests in research and development for these specific metals.

Generally, stainless steels are defined as steels which contain at least 10% chromium. Chromium is a primary alloying element that can be used to increase the corrosion resistance of the steel. In addition, nickel and molybdenum may also be added to increase the corrosion resistance and other strengthening elements such as titanium and vanadium can also be included. When all these elements are combined, the result is a steel that has excellent resistance to pitting, corrosion and oxidation.

China has several categories of stainless steel grades. These include 400 series of Cr-Mn, 200 series of Cr-Mn-Ni, 300 series of Cr-Ni-Mo, super austenitic stainless steels, PH stainless steels, and duplex stainless steels. Each of these categories have their own unique characteristics, and can be classified as either ferritic, austenitic, or duplex. Ferritic stainless steels are typically used in highly corrosive environments, such as those found in petrochemical and nuclear power plants. Austenitic stainless steels are the most popular types used in the food and beverage industries, where strength and corrosion resistance are needed. The duplex stainless steels are a compromise between ferritic and austenitic, delivering enhanced strength and corrosion resistance over the austenitics.

Corrosion resistant steels resist the formation of rust when moisture and air are present. These steels are typically low-carbon steels with additional alloying elements such as nickel and molybdenum that provide extra protection against corrosion. PH stainless steels contain both chromium and nickel for superior corrosion resistance, but are significantly more expensive than the 200 and 300 series stainless steels.

Lastly, heat resistant steels are created to resist high temperatures. These steels are typically made from chrome, molybdenum, or nickel-chromium. The addition of these alloys provides increased strength and ductility at the expense of cost. Some heat resistant steels may also contain a blend of stainless and corrosion resistant elements to create a super alloy.

In conclusion, China produces a wide variety of stainless, corrosion and heat resistant steels that are used in many industries. Each of these categories of steel contain specialty alloys which tailor the metal to the needed application. As China continues to develop new metal alloys and improve existing ones, the application of these metals will become increasingly popular and profitable.

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