The method to solve the different wear amount of two wires during double wire rolling

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Solution to Different Grinding Volumes of Double Steel Rolling When producing certain steel structures through double steel rolling, it can sometimes happen that the rolling lines wear differently. This is usually due to incorrect setup, where tolerances between the two lines are too great, causi......

Solution to Different Grinding Volumes of Double Steel Rolling

When producing certain steel structures through double steel rolling, it can sometimes happen that the rolling lines wear differently. This is usually due to incorrect setup, where tolerances between the two lines are too great, causing the lines to wear differently. This not only affects the production process and the finished product quality, but can add cost and time to the process due to rectification and rework.

Therefore, when setting up the production lines and the machinery, it is important to consider the tolerances and ensure they are correct and consistent. When it comes to steel rolling and grinding, the lines should be set up as close as possible and should have as consistent as possible tolerances. Any variance should be kept to a minimum and any difference corrected.

In order to achieve this and avoid any differences in wear between lines, it is important to use the right type of roller. As a general rule, it is recommended to use steel wheels or metal-coated wheels as these tend to be more durable and resistant to wear. This is particularly important when rolling softer materials, such as aluminum or copper-based alloys, which are more prone to wear and tear.

Another important factor to consider is the lubrication of the rollers. When rolling at moderate speeds, oil and a lubricant should be used in order to reduce friction between the rollers and the material being worked on. This will reduce wear and tear, as well as help to ensure a more consistent rolling process between the lines.

Finally, it is important to ensure that the lines and machinery are kept clean and free from foreign material. If any dirt or debris builds up on the rollers, this can cause them to wear more quickly and unevenly, leading to differences in wear between the lines. This can be easily avoided by regularly checking and cleaning the machinery and lines.

In conclusion, avoiding differences in wear between the lines when double steel rolling is a matter of correct setup and maintenance. By taking into account the right type of roller, using lubrication, and keeping the machinery clean, any differences in wear can easily be avoided. This will ensure a smoother rolling process, less downtime, and a better quality steel product.

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