Blast furnace gas is combustible gas generated during the production of iron and steel in a blast furnace. When iron ore is heated with coke and limestone, the carbon monoxide generated by the reaction reacts with the iron ore to form iron and carbon dioxide. In this reaction, the reduction of iron ore in the blast furnace causes the volume of the column to expand, generating a certain amount of pressure around the furnace which is used to generate this combustible gas. The generation of this high-energy blast furnace gas can reach 20~50 m3/t-metal and can be used to produce steam and electricity used in steel mills.
Blast furnace gas is composed of approximately 50% nitrogen, 44% carbon monoxide and about 5% hydrogen. Due to its high content of carbon monoxide and nitrogen, it is also composed of combustible material and non-combustible material. It is widely used in iron and steel smelters or in other process industries such as chemical or petrochemical plants. Blast furnace gas combines with air at certain pressure to form a flammable mixture in combustion chambers and ignite the flame.
Blast furnace gas can be used for energy generation, industrial heating, gas turbines, dryers and other industrial applications. It can also be used for steam production in the steel industry. The blast furnace gas is also used in cogeneration to produce electric power, heat and steam. The steel industry has found a way to use this gas to generate electricity and in combined cycle systems, reduce the cost of stainless steel production. It has been shown that the use of blast furnace gas in steelmaking reduces operational costs and decreases the amount of fuel consumed.
In terms of its environmental impact, it is relatively clean due to its high-energy content and low levels of polluting substances such as sulphur and nitrogen oxides, compared to other forms of fossil fuels. Furthermore, the burning of fossil fuels results in the release of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, resulting in global warming.
In conclusion, blast furnace gas is an efficient and clean energy source. It is an ideal fuel foriron and steel smelting, gas turbines and dryers, for electric power production, for combined heat and power applications, and for industrial heating. In addition, its environmental advantages, including reduced emissions of sulphur and nitrogen oxides, make it a favourable energy source for industrial applications.