Casting of Magnesium Alloy Parts (Part 1)

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Introduction Die casting is an important manufacturing technology for producing reliable, high-performance magnesium alloy parts. Magnesium alloy is commonly used as a lightweight and cost-effective alternative to aluminum and steel alloys. Normal die casting processes are used to manufacture mag......


Die casting is an important manufacturing technology for producing reliable, high-performance magnesium alloy parts. Magnesium alloy is commonly used as a lightweight and cost-effective alternative to aluminum and steel alloys. Normal die casting processes are used to manufacture magnesium parts, but require additional considerations compared to aluminum and steel. This article focuses on casting and forming magnesium alloy parts in die casting.

Why use magnesium alloy die casting?

Magnesium alloys are lightweight, strong, and corrosion resistant. Additionally, because magnesium has a low melting point, it can be easily melted and molded into complex shapes and intricate details. Because it is lightweight and strong, magnesium alloy die-casting is often used for the manufacture of automotive parts, such as intake manifolds, exhaust systems, and brake components. Additionally, because magnesium alloys are corrosion-resistant and have good heat transfer capability, they are often used in heat exchangers, electronics enclosures, and medical device housings.

Methods of magnesium alloy die casting

Die casting magnesium alloys typically use high-pressure methods, such as in permanent mold and hot/cold chamber die-casting. High-pressure techniques can produce complex shapes and intricate details without additional machining.

Permanent mold casting is a popular method of forming magnesium alloys because it is quick and cost-effective. In this method, a permanent mold is made from steel, cast iron, or aluminum, made to the exact dimensions of the product. Molten magnesium alloy is then poured into the mold and cooled. The mold can be reused numerous times, making it a more cost-efficient option than other methods.

Pressure die casting, also known as hot/cold chamber die-casting, is also commonly used for casting magnesium alloy parts. In this method, a two-step process is used. First, hot molten magnesium alloy is pour into the die at high pressure, which helps create intricate details on the part. Then, the die is cooled and the parts are ejected from the die. Pressure die-casting produces parts with higher tensile strength and durability than other casting techniques.

Post-casting treatment of magnesium alloy

After it is casted, the magnesium alloy needs to be treated to increase its durability, strength, and reliability. Common post-casting treatments include sandblasting, anodizing, heat treatment, and surface finishing. Sandblasting is a popular post-casting treatment that helps remove any impurities or contaminants left on the surface of the part. Anodizing is also commonly used to protect the part from corrosion and to improve its appearance. Heat treatment can also help increase the strength of the part by changing the microstructure of the alloy. Finally, surface finishing can help improve the aesthetics of the part and its corrosion resistance.


Magnesium alloy die casting is a cost-effective and reliable method for producing high-performance parts with intricate details and shapes. The casting process requires additional considerations compared to aluminum and steel alloys, such as higher pressures, careful post-casting treatments, and other considerations. However, with careful design and manufacturing, magnesium alloy die casting can produce reliable, durable, and cost-effective parts that are well-suited for a wide variety of applications.

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