China Machinery Industry Quality Management Association

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Chinese Mechanical Industry Quality Management Association The Chinese Mechanical Industry Quality Management Association (CMQMA) is an independent, non-profit organization that provides quality management support to the manufacturing industry in China. Founded in 2016, the CMQMA has become one of......

Chinese Mechanical Industry Quality Management Association

The Chinese Mechanical Industry Quality Management Association (CMQMA) is an independent, non-profit organization that provides quality management support to the manufacturing industry in China. Founded in 2016, the CMQMA has become one of the largest and most respected organizations in the Chinese mechanical industry. The organization comprises more than 1,600 members from over 50 provinces and municipalities across China, representing an impressive array of industry sectors including automotive, aviation & aerospace, defense, packaging and medical devices.

The CMQMA’s mission is to create a safe and reliable production environment through the promotion of quality control, standards and regulations. The association actively works to ensure that industry products meet all legal requirements and international standards. The CMQMA also provides education and training to ensure that the manufacturing standards stay up to date and remain competitive in the global market.

The CMQMA is dedicated to improving the quality and efficiency of Chinese mechanical industry. The organization operates a Quality System that provides support and assistance to manufacturers in continuous improvement and standard management. All members must follow the CMQMA Quality System, which consists of four main elements: quality assurance in management, product safety, and environmental protection; training and education; auditing and inspection; and compliance and legal affairs.

As part of its educational program, the CMQMA provides a range of specialized courses and seven certification programs, including Mechanical Quality Management Certified Professional, Mechanical Quality Management System Certified, Inspection and Examination of Mechanical Quality Management System Certified, and Mechanical Design Expert Certification. Moreover, the association organizes various events for knowledge exchange, such as seminars, workshops, and conferences.

The CMQMA is often involved in international initiatives that aim to enhance global quality standards. It is a leading participant in the APQC Global Quality Management System Forum, which is an international collaboration platform dedicated to the promotion and implementation of quality management systems across industries. Furthermore, the CMQMA is currently developing a quality management system standard that is expected to be adopted by international organizations in the near future.

All in all, the Chinese Mechanical Industry Quality Management Association is dedicated to creating a safe and efficient manufacturing environment in China. The organization is well-regarded by industry leaders and academics for its commitment to quality, regulatory compliance, and environmental safety. The CMQMA strives to develop and improve quality management practices in the Chinese mechanical industry, providing its members with the necessary tools and support to reach their goals.

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