Mechanical Measurement & Inspection Tools Vocabulary
1. Vernier Caliper: A measuring tool commonly used to measure the outer and inner diameters of an object, as well as the depth of a hole.
2. Dial Indicator: A device for measuring and displaying very small distances, typically less than 0.01mm.
3. Micrometer: A measuring tool with a rotating disc used to measure small distances, such as the diameter of an object.
4. Feeler Gauge: A tool used to measure the space between two surfaces, which is usually very small or very difficult to accurately measure.
5. Bore Gauge: A measuring tool used to accurately measure the internal diameter of a hole or cylinder.
6. Thickness Gauge: A measuring tool used to measure the thickness of a material.
7. Thread Gauge: A tool used to measure the size, pitch, and angle of a threaded fastener.
8. Countersink Gauge: A tool used to measure the depth and angle of a countersink or chamfer in a material.
9. Drill Point Gauge: A tool used to measure the angle and point of a drill bit.
10. Go/No Go Gauge: A tool used to check for the tolerances of a particular fastener or part, ensuring that all the parts meet the correct size and dimension standards.
11. Screw Pitch Gauge: A device used to measure the pitches of standard threads, such as those used for taps and die.
12. Height Gauge: A type of measuring tool used to accurately measure vertical distances.
13. Feeler Bar: A tool used to measure very small gaps, especially in narrow places.
14. Radius Gauge: A tool used to measure curved radiuses or arcs.
15. Taper Gauge: A tool used to measure the taper and slope of a machined part.
16. Ball Gauge: A tool used to measure the free length of a spring.
17. Lever Gauge: A tool used to measure the length between two objects.
18. Angle Gauge: A tool used to measure angles or angles of inclination.
19. Edge Finder: A device used to locate an edge or surface with accuracy.
20. Optical Comparator: A tool used to measure and inspect parts and components, comparing them against a standard or a blueprint.