SERVQUAL Model The SERVQUAL Model was developed as a tool for measuring service quality levels within a customer service environment. It is an adaptation of the customer-gap model developed by Parasuraman, Berry and Zeithaml in 1985. The SERVQUAL model focuses on five core dimensions of the custo......


The SERVQUAL Model was developed as a tool for measuring service quality levels within a customer service environment. It is an adaptation of the customer-gap model developed by Parasuraman, Berry and Zeithaml in 1985. The SERVQUAL model focuses on five core dimensions of the customer experience: reliability, assurance, tangibles, empathy, and responsiveness. These five core dimensions evaluate the customer’s current level of satisfaction with a particular service and then compare it to their expected satisfaction level.

The SERVQUAL model is based on the notion that service quality is the result of the difference between customer expectations and customer perceptions. This difference is seen as a “gap” that needs to be measured in order to identify where customer service falls short of expectations. The model is structured around the idea that customers are judging a service based on their expectations, and that if their expectations are met, they will be satisfied. If the customer’s expectations exceed their perceptions, there is a customer service gap, and if the perception exceeds the expectation, customer satisfaction rises.

The five core dimensions of SERVQUAL are reliability, assurance, tangibles, empathy, and responsiveness. Reliability is the consistency of service which is provided to the customer, and is judged on the basis of how dependable and accurate the service is. Assurance is related to how competent and knowledgeable the customer feels they are being treated by the service provider. Tangibles relate to the physical environment and the quality of any equipment or materials the customer has access to. Empathy is related to how personal and caring the customer feels they are being treated. Responsiveness is related to the speed and accuracy of the service delivery.

Using the SERVQUAL model, businesses can gain an understanding of where customer service is falling short of expectations, as well as identify where improvements are needed. This model can help to improve customer loyalty and customer satisfaction, as it provides a structured way to measure service quality. The SERVQUAL model is used in many industries, from hospitality to banking, and can provide invaluable feedback to help businesses generate new ideas and improve the service they provide.

Ultimately, the SERVQUAL model is a powerful tool for businesses looking to measure the customer service quality of their service. It provides a structured method for measuring customer expectations and perceptions of service quality, and helps to identify gaps between the two. By utilizing this model, businesses can more easily identify and correct the issues causing the service gap, resulting in increased customer satisfaction, loyalty, and company success.

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