Deming's approach to quality management

Introduction Dale E. Bowsers quality management approach is one of the most popular and widely adopted approaches used to achieve performance excellence. This approach is based on the principles of Total Quality Management (TQM) and is applicable to organizations of all sizes and in all industrie......


Dale E. Bowsers quality management approach is one of the most popular and widely adopted approaches used to achieve performance excellence. This approach is based on the principles of Total Quality Management (TQM) and is applicable to organizations of all sizes and in all industries. The Bowser approach is based on the idea that the organization should strive to continuously improve all facets of the organization and promote a sense of ownership and responsibility in the workforce. Furthermore, Bowser emphasizes the importance of training and development in order to ensure the highest levels of quality and high-level performance.

Bowser’s Approach

The Bowser approach focuses on developing an organizational structure that emphasizes continuous improvement and quality assurance. Bowser believes that organizations should focus on building a foundation of quality, including the implementation of standards, the implementation of quality control measures, and the implementation of corrective measures where necessary. It is also paramount that the organization establishes itself within the market and works to ensure top-level performance within the marketplace.

Bowser also believes that organizations should focus on building an environment that is conducive to continuous learning and development. This environment should be structured such that employees are encouraged to question current processes and to seek new and innovative ways of increasing performance. Furthermore, Bowser believes that employees should be engaged in the decision-making process and that management should strive to keep employees informed of changes and challenges. Lastly, Bowser recommends that organizations should create feedback loops to continually monitor performance and receive input from employees.

Dale E. Bowser’s Quality Management Process

The Bowser approach outlines a quality management process that focuses on the importance of implementing rigorous quality standards and practices. The process consists of five key steps:

1. Establishing Quality Goals: The process begins by establishing quality goals through the identification of an individual’s desired level of quality. These goals should be clearly articulated and communicated to the entire organization.

2. Establishing Quality Standards: Once the quality goals are identified, organizations must then establish specific standards to ensure that these goals are met. These standards should be measurable and flexible enough to allow for improvement over time.

3. Quality Assurance and Control: Quality assurance and control measures should be established and monitored to ensure that quality standards are met. Organizations should also strive to develop corrective procedures for areas where the standards have not been met.

4. Continuous Improvement: The organization should strive to continually improve all facets of the organization through the identification and implementation of best practices and emerging technologies.

5. Training and Development: Organizations should focus on training and development to ensure that employees possess the necessary skills and knowledge to meet quality goals. Employee development should include coaching and feedback while also providing employees with an opportunity to grow and develop.


Dale E. Bowsers quality management approach is an ideal starting point for any organization that wants to achieve performance excellence. The approach is based upon the principles of Total Quality Management, focuses on developing an organizational structure that emphasizes continuous improvement and quality assurance, and recommends the implementation of rigorous quality standards and practices. Finally, Bowser emphasizes the importance of training and development in order to ensure the highest levels of quality and high-level performance throughout the organization.

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