General Situation of Optimal Control of Heating Process in Coking Production

Overview of Optimization and Control of Heating Process in Carbonization and Graphitization Production Process heating is an important part of carbonization and graphitization production process. It has an important impact on the production index and product quality of carbonization and graphitiz......

Overview of Optimization and Control of Heating Process in Carbonization and Graphitization Production

Process heating is an important part of carbonization and graphitization production process. It has an important impact on the production index and product quality of carbonization and graphitization products. Therefore, the optimization of heating process is of great significance. The optimization of the heating process includes two aspects: one is to optimize the control system design, and the other is to optimize the heating parameters.

As for the design optimization of the control system, it is based on the function and performance requirements of the controlled equipment. According to the actual environment, the appropriate equipment is selected, the suitable control strategy is determined, the parameter setting is determined, the power distribution equipment and the control structure are designed, and the various control components are determined, to ensure the stability and precision of the control system.

In the optimization of heating parameters, we consider the temperature field, thermal response time and heat transfer characteristics of the heating process. The temperature field of the heating system is the most important performance indicator of the process heating. The temperature should be uniform and meet the processing requirements at all points. This requires careful arrangement of the temperature sensors and design of the temperature control loop. Besides, it is also necessary to consider the thermal response time of the heater, for example, the speed of the heater temperature changing, to ensure that the heating speed matches the production process requirements. At the same time, heat transfer characteristics of the heating system should also be taken into account. This includes providing a sufficient heat flow, optimizing the structure of the heater to improve heat transfer efficiency, reducing the thermal resistance between the heating elements and the working medium, and reducing the effect of temperature stratification.

In summary, the optimization and control of the heating process in carbonization and graphitization production is mainly achieved by optimizing the control system design and optimizing the heating parameters. The careful design of the control system and the selection of the appropriate parameters can ensure the stability and precision of the process heating. The temperature field, thermal response time and heat transfer characteristics should be taken into account in the optimization of the heating parameters, to ensure that the processing requirements of the process heating can be met.

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