Replacing the lower support bearing of the door operator by jacking method (3)

Manual for Changing the Bottom Bearing of an Elevator Using Jack-Up Method Introduction Elevators or lifts are a common means of vertical transportation which involves the movement of both people and goods through different levels in a building or structure. Jack-up method is an effective and sa......

Manual for Changing the Bottom Bearing of an Elevator Using Jack-Up Method


Elevators or lifts are a common means of vertical transportation which involves the movement of both people and goods through different levels in a building or structure. Jack-up method is an effective and safe way to replace the bottom bearing of any elevator systems. This method not only helps to replace the bearing but also ensures minimum disruption of the work process. This article describes the procedure for changing the bottom bearing of an elevator using the jack-up method in detail.


Step 1:

Assess the Vehicle

Before starting to change the bottom bearing, it is important to assess the elevator vehicle. This should include checking the vehicle for its weight, size, safety features and any existing defects. It is also important to ensure that the closure of the shaft is done properly and securely.

Step 2:

Prepare the Worksite

Before beginning work, it is important to prepare the worksite for the jack-up method. This should include removing any furniture, items and other objects that could obstruct the work process. The workers should also make sure that there is ample room for the jack-up equipment used for elevating the elevator car.

Step 3:

Place the Jack-Up Equipment

The jack-up equipment should be positioned according to the size and shape of the elevator car. The bottom of the elevator car should be pressed against the highest point of the jack-up equipment, which should be placed in a position that will not obstruct the bearings or other components.

Step 4:

Elevate the Elevator Car

Once the jack-up equipment is in place, it should be used to elevate the elevator car by gradually increasing the force. This should be done slowly and carefully as to not cause any damage to the elevator car.

Step 5:

Remove the Bottom Bearing

Once the elevator car is elevated, the existing bottom bearing should be removed carefully. This should be done with the help of the required tools and equipment. The workers should take special care to not damage the elevator car during this process.

Step 6:

Install the New Bottom Bearing

Once the existing bottom bearing is removed, the new bottom bearing can be installed in its place. It is important to ensure that the new bearing is installed in the same position as the earlier one and is also aligned properly with other parts of the elevator car.

Step 7:

Lower the Elevator Car

Once the new bottom bearing is installed, the next step is to lower the elevator car by gradually reducing the force of the jack-up equipment. The workers should pay special attention to slow down the descending speed of the elevator car and make the required adjustments, if necessary.

Step 8:

Perform Tests

After the elevator car is safely lowered and all components are securely in place, tests should be conducted to check if the elevator car is functioning properly. Once the tests are successful, the closing of the shaft can be done.


This article highlighted the procedure for changing the bottom bearing of an elevator using the jack-up method. Safety should be a priority during each and every step of this procedure. It is important for the workers to ensure that all steps are done properly and that no damage is caused to the elevator car during the process. The jack-up method is a safe and efficient way to replace the bottom bearing of any elevator systems.

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