Flash Mining

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Introduction The Freiberg mining method was developed in the city of Freiberg, Saxony, during the Middle Ages. This method was used until the late 19th century, when it was replaced by modern technologies. The Freiberg Mining Method refers to the process of extracting ore from the ground. This m......


The Freiberg mining method was developed in the city of Freiberg, Saxony, during the Middle Ages. This method was used until the late 19th century, when it was replaced by modern technologies. The Freiberg Mining Method refers to the process of extracting ore from the ground. This method involves the use of wooden timbers and stakes inserted into the ground to support the extraction area. A series of shafts and galleries, carved out of solid rock, are excavated from the top of the extraction area to the lowermost level of the ore body. Ore is then removed from the walls and ceiling of the galleries, and trammed out of the mine. Also, pneumatic drills, hammers and wedges are used to break away the ore from the rock.

The Development of the Freiberg Mining Method

The Freiberg mining method dates back to the 13th century. Mining activities in the city of Freiberg, a city located in the north-eastern region of Germany, were of high importance during this time. As a result, the miners were always developing and improving on the existing mining methods and technologies. The development of the Freiberg mining method was made possible due to the expertise of the miners, the availability of labour, and the presence of mineral wealth in the region.

The Freiberg mining method is an alternative to the more modern, industrialized mining techniques and technologies that are commonly used today. Instead, the Freiberg mining method involves inserting timbers and stakes into the ground to support the extraction area. This is done with the help of several miners and their tools such as shovels and hammers. The tunneling process begins with the miners digging a tunnel into the ore bed. The ore is then extracted from the walls and ceiling of the tunnel using the tools mentioned above, and trammed out of the mine.

Advantages and Disadvantages of the Freiberg Mining Method

The Freiberg mining method has certain advantages over the more modern and industrialized practices that are used today. To start with, when compared to the use of mechanical methods and machines, the Freiberg mining method is more economical. This is because it does not require investing in expensive machines or equipment. The miners also do not need to wear any complicated protective clothing or equipment, such as helmets and goggles. Because the extraction process is manual, it is also more safe.

On the other hand, the Freiberg mining method has certain disadvantages. The first is that it is a more labor-intensive mining method. As a result, the mining process can be slower and less efficient when compared to more modern mining processes. Additionally, miners may also risk encountering hazards if they are not properly trained or experienced in manual mining techniques. Furthermore, the extraction process may be more dangerous due to the presence of loose rock or unstable soil, or the risk of air or water pollution.


The Freiberg mining method was developed during the Middle Ages in Freiberg, Germany, and was used until the late 19th century. This manual mining method involves the use of wooden timbers and stakes inserted into the ground to support the mining area, followed by the excavation of several shafts and galleries in the rock. Ore is then extracted from the walls and ceiling of the tunnels using tools such as pneumatic drills, hammers and wedges. The Freiberg mining method is a more economical alternative to modern, industrialized mining techniques and technologies, but is also slower and more labor-intensive. It also poses certain safety risks to the miners due to the presence of hazardous materials or unstable ground conditions.

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