X3CrTi17 use

grade 1339 1021 Sophie

Introduction UNS S41200 (X3CrTi17) is a stainless steel that is composed of a chromium-nickel-titanium based austenitic alloy. It is widely used for applications that require resistance to corrosion, good mechanical properties and excellent resistance to high temperatures. The alloy is highly cor......


UNS S41200 (X3CrTi17) is a stainless steel that is composed of a chromium-nickel-titanium based austenitic alloy. It is widely used for applications that require resistance to corrosion, good mechanical properties and excellent resistance to high temperatures. The alloy is highly corrosion resistant in both low and high temperature environments, making it ideal for applications requiring corrosion protection.

Chemical Composition

UNS S41200 (X3CrTi17) is a specific alloy of stainless steel containing Chromium, Nickel, and Titanium. The exact chemical composition of the alloy is as follows:

•Carbon (C): 0.04 - 0.08%

•Manganese (Mn): 2.00%

•Silicon (Si): 0.75%

•Chromium (Cr): 17.00 - 20.00%

•Nickel (Ni): 8.00 - 11.00%

•Titanium (Ti): 0.50 - 1.00%

•Iron (Fe): Balance


UNS S41200 (X3CrTi17) is used for a variety of applications that require resistance to corrosion, good mechanical properties, and excellent resistance to high temperatures. Some of the more commonly found applications of the alloy include:

•Medical industry: It is commonly found in surgical instruments, medical instruments, and medical tools due to its excellent corrosion resistance and strength.

•Aerospace industry: It is often used in aircraft construction and components, due to its high resistance to temperature fluctuations and corrosion.

•Automotive Industry: It is often found in parts such as turbochargers, inlet manifolds, catalytic converters and exhaust systems due to its ability to withstand high temperatures and corrosive chemicals.

•Food Processing Industry: It is found in applications such as brewing and distilling systems, storage tanks, and food manufacturing equipment, where hygiene and corrosion resistance are essential.

•Oil and Gas Industry: It is often used in oil and gas pipelines, tanks and valves due to its tolerance for high temperature and corrosive liquid environments.

•Chemical Processing Industry: It is found in a variety of chemical processing equipment and parts due to its ability to stand up to corrosive chemicals and high temperatures.

Temperature Considerations

UNS S41200 (X3CrTi17) has an extremely high resistance to temperatures, with an operational range of -196°C to 850°C. While it has excellent resistance to temperature, it should not be exposed to temperatures outside of this range, as permanent damage can be caused.

Machining and Welding

UNS S41200 (X3CrTi17) has good machinability and can be cut, formed, and welded with ease. Common welding processes used on the alloy include gas welding and arc welding, with TIG welding being the most commonly used. The alloy can also be soldered, but it should be noted that it is not drilled easily.


UNS S41200 (X3CrTi17) is a highly corrosion-resistant and high temperature resistant stainless steel alloy, making it ideal for applications that demand high levels of resistance to corrosion and temperature. It is commonly used in medical, aerospace, automotive and food processing industries, as well as the oil and gas and chemical processing industries. Its machinability and weldability make it ideal for a range of fabrication processes and it has an extremely wide temperature range in which it can operate.

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