SRW and DRW rolling guide devices for rod and wire finishing mills

ABSTRACT This paper introduces the rolling guide device of SRW and DRW fine rolling mill unit. The importance of the design of the rolling guide device and the design parameters are briefly described. The experimentally measured response characteristics of the SRW and DRW rolling guide devices ar......


This paper introduces the rolling guide device of SRW and DRW fine rolling mill unit. The importance of the design of the rolling guide device and the design parameters are briefly described. The experimentally measured response characteristics of the SRW and DRW rolling guide devices are then presented and compared. The results indicate that both SRW and DRW have advanced guide device designs that can ensure stable rolling conditions. Finally, some conclusions are drawn.

1 Introduction

The rolling mill guide device is a necessary part of modern rolling production. The stiffness, bearing capacity, and rigidity of the guide unit have a direct influence on the rolled strip shape, the strip performance and the quality accuracy, and the production efficiency. Therefore, the design and selection of the rolling guide device is particularly important.

At present, SRW (Steel Rolling Workshop) and DRW (Double Rolling Workshop) are common machines in the steel industry. SRW is a single-stand mill that rolls steel billets into strips one pass at a time; while DRW is a two-stand mill that rolls two strips at a time. This paper introduces the rolling guide device of SRW and DRW fine rolling mill unit, and discusses the design and comparison of these two rolling guide devices.

2 Design of SRW and DRW Rolling Guide device

The rolling guide device is an important factor affecting the quality of the rolled strips. In order to meet the requirements of product quality, the rolling guide device should have high rigidity and stability, small static friction, good wear resistance and high strength.

In consideration of the above conditions, the SRW and DRW rolling guide devices are designed and fabricated with high-quality steel and alloy materials. Both SRW and DRW rolling guide devices have a symmetrical arrangement of guide rollers, and they are equipped with anti-friction bearings and elastic bearings. The elastic bearing consists of two spring pad plates and two middle support plates. The spring pad plate has a clamped static plate, and the static plate is evenly distributed with spring pins, bearing blocks and support pins. The spring pins and bearing blocks provide precision positioning for the guide rollers, so as to ensure the smooth rolling of the steel strip and the uniformity of its thickness.

3 Experimental results

In order to compare the design performance of SRW and DRW rolling guide devices, the response characteristics of their guide devices have been experimentally measured and analyzed.

The experiments were performed on a laboratory-scale SRW and DRW rolling mill. During the experiment, the gauge length was fixed at 100 mm, the temperature range was set from 12 °C to 27 °C, and the speed range was from 18 m / s to 44 m / s. For each speed and temperature, the guide tension was measured and the force waveforms were recorded.

The results of the experiments show that under the test conditions, the SRW and DRW rolling guide devices both had good dynamic response characteristics, with good stability and a low degree of variation in their response data. The dynamic responses of the SRW and DRW guide devices are shown in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1: Dynamic response curves of SRW and DRW rolling guide devices

The dynamic responses of SRW and DRW rolling guide devices can be seen to be very similar in terms of their response time, speed and acceleration. This indicates that both SRW and DRW have advanced guide device designs that can ensure stable rolling conditions.

4 Conclusions

This paper presents a comparison of the design and performance of SRW and DRW rolling guide devices. The experimentally measured response characteristics of the SRW and DRW rolling guide devices have been compared, and it has been concluded that both SRW and DRW have advanced guide device designs that can ensure stable rolling conditions. In addition, the design principles of these two guide devices indicate that these two guide devices have similar design and dynamic response characteristics, which can ensure the reliability and quality of rolled products.

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