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Introduction Electronic medicine (e-medicine) is the use of information and communication technologies to enable a variety of health care services. It is an approach to the delivery of health care and related services that is centered on using information, communication, and advanced technologies......


Electronic medicine (e-medicine) is the use of information and communication technologies to enable a variety of health care services. It is an approach to the delivery of health care and related services that is centered on using information, communication, and advanced technologies to support and improve patient care, as well as promote health and wellness, by allowing health care professionals to deliver evidence-based care in a more efficient and effective manner. The goal of e-medicine is to promote good health, reduce medical errors, and ultimately, improve the overall quality of health care.

E-medicine offers many advantages to both health care providers and patients. One of the major benefits is the ability to access medical records and laboratory results remotely. This provides health care providers with real-time patient information, which enables them to make better decisions about medications and treatments. Additionally, medical records can easily be accessed by multiple clinicians, enabling better communication and collaboration between primary care and specialist providers.

Another advantage of e-medicine is the ability to provide medication selection, monitoring, and adherence support. Electronic medication selection systems can provide detailed information on each medication, including the drug class, dosage, side effects, and potential contraindications. This information can be used to guide clinicians’ decisions regarding the appropriateness of particular medications for patients, as well as support the development and implementation of patient-specific medication regimens. Additionally, these systems can alert clinicians of potential drug interactions, allowing them to make changes to the patient’s regimen before prescribing a potentially dangerous combination of medications.

E-medicine also supports patient medication adherence. By using information technology to remind and support medication adherence, clinicians can reduce medication errors and ensure that their patients take their medications as prescribed. This may result in improved patient outcomes over time. Furthermore, medication management systems can be used to track patient medication adherence, providing clinicians with the ability to identify patients who are at risk of not taking their medications adequately or entirely. This can enable clinicians to intervene with such patients to improve their adherence and improve their outcomes.


In conclusion, e-medicine has the potential to revolutionize the delivery of health care services, providing both health care providers and patients with benefits. Electronic medication selection systems enable clinicians to select the most appropriate medications for patients, alerting them to potential drug interactions which can help reduce medical errors. Additionally, e-medicine can support patient adherence to medications, resulting in improved patient outcomes. E-medicine is a powerful tool in health care, and is rapidly becoming more widely utilized by health care providers.

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