grain boundary sliding

Metallographic map 1155 22/06/2023 1061 Lillian

Grain boundary sliding plays an important role in plastic deformation at various scales, including macro-, micro-, and nano-scale. It is the fundamental mechanism by which grain boundaries are able to slip past each other, with relatively little basal plane resistance, resulting in a change in sha......

Grain boundary sliding plays an important role in plastic deformation at various scales, including macro-, micro-, and nano-scale. It is the fundamental mechanism by which grain boundaries are able to slip past each other, with relatively little basal plane resistance, resulting in a change in shape of a material. At higher tension, the grain boundaries may be disrupted, leading to grain fragmentations and ultimately mechanical failure. Thus, understanding the forces involved in grain boundary sliding and their correlations with macroscopic plastic behavior is essential for developing materials with enhanced properties and durability.

Grain boundary sliding has been widely studied in metals since the 1950s, with major breakthroughs in the theories of solid-state plasticity and characteristics of the grain boundaries. It was found that the grain boundary sliding is activated by differential stress along the grain boundary plane, and is strongly dependent on the shear stiffness of the individual grain boundary. Additionally, it was determined that the shear stress required for initiating grain boundary sliding varies from layer to layer and varies with the misalignment of the boundary planes. Furthermore, grain boundary sliding is affected by the presence of point defects, such as dislocations, on either side of the boundary, as well as the grain boundary energy.

The process of grain boundary sliding is complex and depends on several factors such as the temperature, material properties, total specific surface energy, grain boundary misalignment, and the local geometry of the boundary plane. Generally, the forces required to deform a material are directly related to the amount of interaction that is taking place between the grain boundary planes. The higher the interaction, the more resistant the boundaries become to sliding. Alternatively, if there is a lower interaction, the boundary planes become more easily deformed.

In addition to these factors, the presence of other crystalline lattice defects and radiation damage can also affect the overall plastic behavior by influencing the grain boundary motion. For example, when grain boundaries meet, they can produce a complex network of interconnected channels between neighboring grains that lead to asymmetric grain boundary sliding, even when the amount of differential stress is uniform. This type of grain boundary sliding is referred to as “grain boundary diffusion” and has been found to cause significant mechanical degradation in certain materials.

At the micro- and nano-scale, grain boundary sliding can be observed under the electron microscope associated with simple and equal-channel angular pressing (ECAP) techniques. In ECAP, a large number of micro-deformation processes occur within a single sample and are responsible for severe grain boundary sliding along the various deformation bands. This type of grain boundary sliding has been found to play a major role in the work hardening of microstructured materials, such as nanocrystalline metals and alloys.

In conclusion, grain boundary sliding is an important mechanism of plastic deformation at many length scales, giving rise to a number of unique mechanical properties. The forces involved in grain boundary motion and their correlation with macroscopic behavior can provide valuable insights into designing better materials with enhanced properties and greater durability. The presence of atomistic defects at grain boundaries can further complicate the process of grain boundary sliding, leading to important micro-structural changes and influencing the overall mechanical properties of the material. Therefore, the knowledge of the deformation behavior of grain boundaries is essential for predicting and designing materials with improved performance.

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Metallographic map 1155 2023-06-22 1061 LuminousDreamer

Crystal boundary sliding Crystal boundary sliding is a process of crystal plasticity in which the crystal grains in a material slide along their boundaries. It is the most common type of plastic deformatiion in metals and other materials. When a material is subjected to external stresses, atomic ......

Crystal boundary sliding

Crystal boundary sliding is a process of crystal plasticity in which the crystal grains in a material slide along their boundaries. It is the most common type of plastic deformatiion in metals and other materials.

When a material is subjected to external stresses, atomic bonds are broken and atoms are displaced. The displacement of the atoms within the crystal cause them to rearrange themselves along easier pathways for the energy to flow. These pathways of rearrangement are preferential in direction and form a plane. When the displacement and rearrangement of the atoms occurs along this plane, the process is known as crystal boundary sliding.

Crystal boundary sliding is a reversible process, and can be repeated many times without a permanent change in shape, elastic deformations emerge when the material is relieved of its external stress. This process can occur over a wide range of temperatures, but higher temperatures reduce the strain softening and increase the power consumption necessary for the process to occur, which is why crystal boundary sliding is often used in plastic deformation.

Due to the microstructural changes produced by this process, crystal boundary sliding can improve the mechanical properties of materials, as it can induce grain refinement to some extent, also improve yield strength, while reducing plasticity. This may be seen in alloys with a low stacking fault energy and brittle materials, where crystal boundary sliding can help improve the ductility.

In addition to its use in plastic deformations, crystal boundary sliding can also be used to control kinetics of transformations in crystalline materials. This can be used to control the rate of grain growth, phase transformations and other processes caused by changes in crystallinity.

Overall, crystal boundary sliding is a process of plastic deformation which can produce beneficial changes in the microstructure of materials. By utilizing this process, materials can be produced with improved strength and ductility. Additionally, crystal boundary sliding can be used to control the kinetics of transformations in crystalline materials, and is thus a very useful tool for materials development and processing.

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