repeated game

Finance and Economics 3239 04/07/2023 1042 Sophie

Introduction Repeated games are a type of game that are usually modeled in game theory. The term “repeated game” refers to a game that is repeated over a period of time, with each repetition playing a role in the overall outcome of the game. A repeated game can be anything from a simple game of ......


Repeated games are a type of game that are usually modeled in game theory. The term “repeated game” refers to a game that is repeated over a period of time, with each repetition playing a role in the overall outcome of the game. A repeated game can be anything from a simple game of tic-tac-toe being played by a pair of children to a complex game of chess with tens of thousands of moves being considered. The most common form of game theory modeling of a repeated game is one in which the players have perfect recall, meaning they remember all the moves of the past and can base their play on those past moves.

Theoretical Background

Modeling repeated games requires an understanding of two main concepts: strategies and equilibrium. A strategy is an action that a player takes in the hopes of maximizing their reward or minimizing losses, depending on their role in the game. An equilibrium describes the state in which all players are making the best choice for themselves given all players’ current strategies.

Different Models of Repeated Game Play

There are several different models for repeated game play that can be used to model different types of games. The two main models are the finitely repeated and infinitely repeated games. In a finitely repeated game, the game is repeated a fixed number of times. This model has been used to analyze games with perfect information, where all players are aware of their opponents’ moves. This model has also been used to analyze games with imperfect information, where the players do not have perfect knowledge of their opponents’ moves.

Another model is the infinitely repeated game. This is a game that is repeated an infinite number of times. This model has been used to analyze games with perfect information, as well as games with imperfect information. The infinite repetition of a game is useful in situations where an infinite number of moves must be considered. In an infinitely repeated game, a player must take into account all of the possible future moves of their opponents in order to make the most profitable decision for themselves.

Rationality and Punishment

In a repeated game, the players must often act rationally in order to maximize their returns from the game. The rational outcome of a game is usually different from the outcome that would be expected from a single game, as the players must also consider the returns from future games. Rational decision-making can be modeled using the concept of punishment. Punishment is the idea that by punishing an opponent’s actions in the current round of the game, a player can discourage the opponent from taking advantage of them in future rounds.


Repeated games are a popular topic of study in the field of game theory. By using the concepts of strategies, equilibrium, and punishment, game theorists have been able to model different types of repeated games. Finitely repeated games serve as an analysis of games with either perfect or imperfect information, while infinitely repeated games are a useful tool for analyzing games with an infinite number of possible moves. By examining the actions of players in repeated games, as well as the strategies for maximizing rewards and minimizing losses, game theorists can better understand how decision-making is affected by circumstances, strategies, and external events.

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Finance and Economics 3239 2023-07-04 1042 Aurora Sparkle

Repeated Games are a type of strategic game, usually in game theory, where two or more players exercise strategies and strategies depending on the strategies used throughout its course. In essence, it is the same game played multiple times with one set of players. In repeated games, players must ......

Repeated Games are a type of strategic game, usually in game theory, where two or more players exercise strategies and strategies depending on the strategies used throughout its course. In essence, it is the same game played multiple times with one set of players.

In repeated games, players must consider the long-term consequences of their actions, how player choices impact subsequent decisions of themselves and their opposition. It is often said that a player in a two-person repeated game can count on the fact that their opponent will have an utter contempt for their character. This means that as one player decides on their course of action, the other may attempt to anticipate the result of this decision and make their own decisions accordingly.

In some cases, players may form an alliance and make a unanimous decision. This is known as cooperation, which can be advantageous in situations with multiple players. This strategy is usually beneficial in terms of long-term gains, as forming an alliance and having a unanimous decision can increase the chances of success.

Depending on the type of game, the benefits gained can vary or be equal for both players. Many games involve a repeatition of moves and strategies that lead to consistent outcomes. Some repeated games involve a set of predetermined strategies for each player. Players often use these strategies to their advantage, attempting to hone in on solutions that are the most advantageous to them.

Despite their relative complexity, repeated games found their way into real life situations, most notably international political and economic relationships. Leaders may find themselves engaged in repeated games in which their decisions have an immense impact on the outcome of their respective country. As such, learning the fundamentals of recurring game theory can be an invaluable tool for politicians and even for everyday life.

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