Design of Computer Room in Metallurgical Plant

Design of Computer Room in Metallurgical Plant Nowadays, computers are used in various industries, and in metallurgical plants, they are also widely used. The computer rooms used in metallurgical plants must be kept in good operating environment and electrical safety environment. In order to ensu......

Design of Computer Room in Metallurgical Plant

Nowadays, computers are used in various industries, and in metallurgical plants, they are also widely used. The computer rooms used in metallurgical plants must be kept in good operating environment and electrical safety environment. In order to ensure the reliability of production and personnel safety, the design of computer room should also be done well.

In terms of computer room layout, there should be reasonable division of space and convenient connection between each functional area. The internal layout of the computer room should meet the requirements of its components and technical characteristics. When designing the computer room, it is necessary to ensure the reasonable division of functional areas and convenient connection, so as to ensure the normal operation of the computer and related equipment.

The temperature and humidity requirement of a computer room is the most important aspect of the design. Generally, the temperature is kept between 16 ℃ and 32 ℃ and the relative humidity is between 45% and 75%. If the relative humidity is lower or higher than the set range, it will cause the failure of the computer and other electronic parts. Therefore, air conditioning, humidity and temperature control should be used to maintain a reasonable environmental temperature and humidity.

Besides, it is necessary to pay attention to ventilation and heat dissipation in the computer room. A good ventilation system can reduce the temperature inside the computer room and the temperature of the internal component, thus greatly improving the environment in the computer room. Moreover, the fire control system should be arranged in the computer room. Every internal environment should be able to meet the fire safety requirements, such as sprinkler, fire pump and so on.

In addition, sound insulation also has strict requirements. The sound insulation effect of the computer room has a great influence on the personnels work and rest. A reasonable sound insulation technology should be adopted, and the sound insulation should be designed in both vertical and horizontal directions.

Finally, in the event of an emergency such as a power failure, a concealed power supply should be installed and the redundant power supply should be supported by an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) device or other power supply devices. This can ensure the continuous power supply of systems and facilities.

In summary, the design of computer room in metallurgical plant should take into consideration the temperature and humidity, ventilation and heat dissipation, fire control, sound insulation and emergency power supply, so as to ensure the normal operation of the computer room and personnel safety.

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