Production safety

Safe Production 335 1044 Sophia

Introduction Safety is often the first to be sacrificed when it comes to the competing demands of cost and productivity, as well as with other forms of safety often omitted. Poor safety performance is an indicator of poor health in an organisation and a danger sign that other problems are afoot. ......


Safety is often the first to be sacrificed when it comes to the competing demands of cost and productivity, as well as with other forms of safety often omitted. Poor safety performance is an indicator of poor health in an organisation and a danger sign that other problems are afoot. That’s why from its inception, UK based company XYZ has been focused on providing a safe working environment for its employees and surrounding community. This paper will explain why a commitment to occupational health and safety is so important, identify the components and drivers of XYZ’s comprehensive safety program, and outline the steps taken to maintain and improve the process over time.

The Need for Safety

A commitment to occupational health and safety is a necessity. Both employers and employees must take responsibility for ensuring the safety of personnel. Occupational safety is an intrinsic part of corporate responsibility, and not just a mere legal obligation. It is a major part of protecting personnel against physical and psychological harm, while maintaining economic efficiency. High rates of absenteeism, damaged equipment, and more are avoidable if staff are provided with a safe and secure work place.

Safety culture is a term used to describe the attitudes, beliefs, and values concerned with workplace safety. It is not confined to the work place; it is rather the sum of collective behaviour of people interacting with each other in various circumstances. A safety culture involves collective behaviour, values, perceptions and beliefs that influence workplace safety to a large degree. A distinct safety culture may emerge as a result of effective safety management.

Components and Drivers

In XYZ’s safety program, safety is a foundation of the companys operations and is included in the day to day efficiency and business decisions. The following components of XYZ’s Safety Program underpin their commitment to health and safety:

Professionally designed risk assessments and analyses that identify, assess and mitigate potential hazards in the workplace

Development of safety manuals and procedures, that provide comprehensive guidelines for safe workplace practices

Safe working procedures for equipment and machinery

Provision of sufficient personal protective equipment (PPE) for staff, appropriate training and information

Identification of hazardous substances and provision of relevant paperwork

Monitoring and evaluation of safety practices

Regular meetings with personnel to discuss safety measures, both internally and externally

Adequate first aid supplies and trained staff

The company believes that providing a safe and secure workplace results in increased productivity, increased morale, and bolstered safety. Many of XYZ’s safety processes are based on readily available best practices, tailored to fit their particular needs. While the company’s safety structure is constantly evolving, the following remain key drivers of their commitment to health and safety:

Develop and implement effective policies and procedures

Encourage personal responsibility for safety among all employees

Designate a responsible person or persons for the implementation and enforcement of safety procedures

Train personnel in specific safety and first aid skills, as is fitting their role

Encourage employees to participate in safety and health activities

Delegate responsibility for safety, and look after the welfare of personnel

Set safety and health performance benchmarks and monitor progress

Awareness and training

Ensure that hazard identification and risk control is part of the review process

Provide adequate resources and allow time for safety

Communicate safety achievements and promote a culture of shared responsibility for safety

Continuous Improvement

XYZ has made continuous progress and strives for continual improvement in the quality and effectiveness of their safety programs. The company’s commitment and dedication to safety informs their day-to-day operations and ongoing safety improvement initiatives. This focus on aggrandized safety is driven from the highest levels and is integral to their operating processes, from the initial job safety analysis (JSA) when a task is identified to the ongoing evaluation of the safety system. The following steps have enabled the company to maintain and improve upon their already high standards of occupational health and safety:

Safety meetings are held bi-weekly to review recent events, and to identify and rectify any potential weak spots in the system

XYZ uses benchmarking and set targets to assess safety performance

The company has established a safety committee, delegated with specific responsibilities, such as providing recommendations and feedback on safety topics to the senior management

XYZ regularly reviews its current management systems, practices, and processes, and identifies areas of improvement

XYZ Safety In-box, an external safety management platform provides real-time assessment and feedback of safety performance

XYZ is actively involved in occupational health research in areas such as ergonomics, environmental health and safety, transportation safety, and other areas


A safe working environment must remain an essential element of any organisation’s corporate responsibility. Any business that does not take the proactive steps necessary for protecting personnel from potential hazards, exposes itself to potential harm. XYZ’s comprehensive approach to safety – rooted in key components, drivers and an ongoing commitment to improvement – sets the industry standard for occupational health and safety. By maintaining a focus on safety from the outset, and by leveraging tools such as benchmarking and in-depth safety analysis, XYZ is able to provide a safe workplace for its staff and the surrounding community, while simultaneously driving productivity and efficiency.

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