Fiscal Expenditure: An Overview
The role of fiscal policy and its influence on the economic cycle and growth have been closely studied and observed ever since it was first implemented. Fiscal policy as an element of macroeconomic policy is the expenditure of government funds, derived from revenue and borrowings, in an attempt to maximize the welfare of the citizens of a given country. This policy has been used over the centuries with varying degrees of success. In this paper, we will explore the various factors that make up fiscal policy, evaluating the impact of its expenditure on the general financial health of an economy and discussing its role in achieving macroeconomic objectives.
The size of government expenditure is an important factor in assessing the incentive effects of fiscal policy. An increase in government expenditure has a direct and immediate effect on the economy. A country with a high-fiscal expenditure policy will stimulate economic activity as the increase in demand for goods and services creates more jobs, encourages investment, and reduces inequality among different sections of society. This output’s resultant dynamic effect on the tax base can help to boost economic growth, help to reduce public debt, and even reduce the level of unemployment.
In addition to the direct effects of increased government expenditure, the indirect effects of this policy are also worth consideration. Increasing public expenditure can lead to an increase in the cost of goods and services, due to higher prices. The general effect this has is a reduction in the purchasing power of the citizens of the country, which can lead to higher levels of inflation. Therefore, the size of government expenditure needs to be carefully evaluated so that it can be changed in accordance with the changing needs of its citizens.
Government expenditure also influences the curve of economic growth. A high level of government expenditure could lead to an increase in the aggregate demand, or in other words, the total output. Conversely, a low level of government expenditure can lead to a decrease in the aggregate demand. It is therefore important to understand the extent to which the size of government expenditure would influence the direction of economic growth.
Finally, it is important to consider the effects of government expenditure on inflation. Government spending has the potential to increase the rate of inflation if there is an increase in the costs of goods and services. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the impact of government expenditure on the cost of living in order to keep the cost of living from skyrocketing.
Government expenditure has always been a major component of economic policy. It is important for the public sector to maintain a healthy fiscal balance for a healthy economy. Through fiscal policy, the government can stimulate economic activity, increase employment and help to maintain a stable rate of inflation. It is therefore important to understand the factors that make up fiscal policy in order to get the right balance in terms of appropriate size of government expenditure. By doing so, the government can maximize its potential to increase economic growth and help to maintain a healthy rate of inflation.