Newtonian liquid

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Newtons Fluid, also known as Infinite Fluid, is a hypothetical fluid proposed by the famous 17th-century British scientist, Sir Isaac Newton. It was proposed in his Principia book, published in 1687. Newtons fluid is unlike normal matter because it has no measurable density or pressure. Instead,......

Newtons Fluid, also known as Infinite Fluid, is a hypothetical fluid proposed by the famous 17th-century British scientist, Sir Isaac Newton. It was proposed in his Principia book, published in 1687.

Newtons fluid is unlike normal matter because it has no measurable density or pressure. Instead, Newton proposed that this type of fluid is composed of tiny particles that fill all space and interact with no other forces except their own. This fluid would be considered a perfect fluid because it would have a constant velocity, never change state, and it would obey the laws of thermodynamics. It would be completely inviscid, making it impossible to cause a change in its velocity by exerting a force.

The idea of Newtons Fluid is interesting because it could be used to help explain many phenomenon. For example, it could be used to explain why objects like stars and planets remain in orbit around each other despite the immense gravity of the universe. Newtons Fluid could also help explicate why galaxies engage in the phenomenon of galaxy clustering. It could explain why very distant galaxies seem to move at the same speed and in the same direction.

Furthermore, Newtons Fluid could also be used to help explain the global formation of galaxies. Astronomers have observed that most galaxies have the same shape and size. This observation was first explained by pointing to an invisible force that was holding the galaxies together. However, this cosmic glue grip does not explain why galaxies remain in their respective clusters and why they do not disperse. Newtons Fluid could offer a solution: these galaxies are held together by a frictionless fluid that surrounds them and creates a web of influence that keeps galaxies in their respective clusters and bound to each other.

Newtons Fluid could also help explain strange behavior of light. Light has been observed to bend around the edges of galaxies in a process known as gravitational lensing. Newtons Fluid could make a plausible explanation for this phenomenon. Because the fluid would travel at the same speed as the light, it would interact with the light, causing it to bend with the curvature of the galaxies. This would account for the strange behavior of light.

Although Newtons Fluid is an intriguing concept, it has never been proven or proven to exist. It is still only a hypothesis and a point of discussion. Nonetheless, it offers a fascinating insight into the workings of the universe and a way to go beyond the constraints of matter.

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