China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing

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Introduction The China Logistics and Purchasing Federation (CLPF) was established in 2000. Since then, it has served as a national self-regulatory, non-governmental organization representing the interests of China’s logistics and supply chain operators in China and abroad. The CLPF is committed ......


The China Logistics and Purchasing Federation (CLPF) was established in 2000. Since then, it has served as a national self-regulatory, non-governmental organization representing the interests of China’s logistics and supply chain operators in China and abroad. The CLPF is committed to providing a unified platform for the discussion and exchange of ideas, facilitating the development of more efficient and sustainable supply chain management practices for China’s logistics sector.

Objectives of the CLPF

The objectives of the China Logistics and Purchasing Federation include:

• To promote the development of a more efficient and sustainable supply chain management system;

• To provide support to China’s logistics and supply chain management operators;

• To research and collect relevant information on China’s logistics management;

• To work closely with industry professionals in order to closely monitor the development of China’s logistics and supply chain management practices;

• To collaborate with other business associations and organizations in order to ensure the effective coordination of the international logistics sector.

Organizational Structure and Functions of the CLPF

The CLPF is composed of several sub-groups with each concentrating on a particular topic or field of study. All members of the CLPF have the opportunities to participate in the sub-groups in order to receive more detailed information. The sub-groups are responsible for providing feedback on current industry trends and technical data, as well as serving as a resource for obtaining information on current logistics and supply chain management trends.

The CLPF also has a research and advisory committee composed of industry professionals who are highly knowledgeable in the field of logistics and supply chain management. This committee is actively involved in researching various topics and trends in order to help identify the areas that need improvement or innovation in the industry.

The CLPF has also established a logistics technology committee to help foster the implementation of the latest technologies and processes in China’s logistics system. This committee works closely with industry professionals and enterprises to help bring innovative and cost effective solutions in logistics.

Benefits of Joining CLPF

By joining the CLPF, members are eligible for discounts on products and services, as well as access to exclusive management training and events. Furthermore, members can access the CLPF’s database of industry specific information including research papers and technical reports.

The CLPF also regularly updates its members on the latest industry developments, news and trends regarding logistics and supply chain management in China. Members also gain access to other resources such as expert advice, professional networks and member-only access to seminars and business events.


The China Logistics and Purchasing Federation is a national self-regulatory and non-governmental organization that strives to serve as a platform for the discussion and exchange of ideas in the logistics and supply chain management sector. Its goal is to promote the development of a more efficient, sustainable and cost effective supply chain management system in China. The CLPF also offers various benefits, such as discounts and access to exclusive management resources to all of its members.

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