basic magnetism

alloy 448 1018 Emily

Introduction Magnetism is a force of nature that has fascinated people for centuries due to its ability to attract and repel objects. The study of magnetism, called magnetics, has helped us to understand the workings of the universe and its application has changed the way we live our lives. This ......


Magnetism is a force of nature that has fascinated people for centuries due to its ability to attract and repel objects. The study of magnetism, called magnetics, has helped us to understand the workings of the universe and its application has changed the way we live our lives. This paper will discuss the basics of magnetism and explain how it works.

What is Magnetism?

Magnetism is a property of matter where a magnetic field is created when certain materials are in a magnetic field. This field creates a force of attraction or repulsion between the two objects, which is what creates the phenomenon of a magnetic object being able to pick up other objects or other magnetic objects being drawn to it. All materials demonstrate magnetic forces if placed in an external magnetic field (an externally applied field).

Types of Magnetism

There are two types of magnetism: ferromagnetism and paramagnetism. Ferromagnetic materials are those in which each atom or molecule has a permanent net magnetization; in other words, they have a strong internal magnetic field (“intrinsic” magnetism). These materials are typically made up of ferrous metals such as iron and steel, but can also be found in other materials such as cobalt and nickel. These materials are attracted to a magnetic field and will remain magnetized even when the external field is removed.

Paramagnetic materials, on the other hand, are materials that are attracted to external magnetic fields, but are not permanent magnetized. They are more commonly found in organic materials such as certain plastics, wood, and certain natural minerals. These materials have an electrical charge that causes them to be attracted to an external magnetic field, but unlike ferromagnetic materials, these materials will only remain magnetized while in contact with the external field and will return to their non-magnetized state when the field is removed.

Types of Magnets

There are three types of magnets: permanent magnets, electromagnets, and superconducting magnets.

Permanent magnets are materials that remain magnetized even when removed from an external magnetic field. The two most common types of permanent magnets are ferrites and rare-earth magnets. Ferrites are made from a mixture of ferric and other materials and are used in many household and industrial items such as refrigerator magnets and speakers. Rare-earth magnets are materials composed of metals such as neodymium, iron, and boron which have an extremely strong magnetic field and are used in a variety of medical applications.

Electromagnets are created when electricity passes through wire wrapped around a ferromagnetic material such as iron. Due to the magnetic field created by the current flowing through the wire, magnetic forces are created which can be used for a variety of applications such as lifting heavy objects or creating electrical circuits.

Superconducting magnets are made from special materials called superconductors which experience almost no electrical resistance when cooled below a certain temperature. These materials allow for extremely powerful magnetic fields to be created which are useful for medical imaging, particle accelerators, and other applications requiring high magnetic fields.


Magnetism is a fascinating natural phenomenon that has many applications in our daily lives. From lifts and electronic circuits to medical imaging and particle accelerators, the study and application of magnetism has changed our world in countless ways. The basic principles of magnetism as well as the different types of magnets are essential to understanding this phenomenon and how it is used in our everyday lives.

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