HIB method

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Definition of HIB HIB stands for Human Information Behavior. It is a theory developed by Professor Birger Hjrland of the Royal School of Library and Information Science in Denmark. It is a research methodology used to analyze the behavior and processes of humans while they are accessing, searchin......

Definition of HIB

HIB stands for Human Information Behavior. It is a theory developed by Professor Birger Hjrland of the Royal School of Library and Information Science in Denmark. It is a research methodology used to analyze the behavior and processes of humans while they are accessing, searching, and utilizing information resources in various settings. HIB is a rather new concept, as it was first introduced in the early 2000s. It has since been used in many different research fields, from anthropology to digital marketing.

The Purpose of HIB

The purpose of HIB is to understand how humans interact with information resources in different settings. For example, HIB can be used to examine how people obtain news and other information online. It can also be used to study how people remember and store information retrieved from search engines. HIB also involvement in searching for information about medical conditions, as well as how information is used to inform decisions in business and marketing. Finally, HIB can be used to investigate information seeking behavior in the workplace and how it affects the work flow process.

Components of HIB

HIB consists of three main components: context, cognition, and behavior. In terms of context, HIB studies the various physical, social and cultural contexts in which information is accessed, used, and stored. With cognition, HIB looks at how people think and process information, including how they remember and recall information. With behavior, HIB looks at how people interact with information, such as how they search, retrieve, and use it.

HIB Methods

There are several methods used in HIB research. Examples of these include ethnographic methods, such as interviews, observations, and surveys. Experiments, such as case studies, are also commonly used in HIB research. Additionally,HIB can make use of online surveys to collect data from digital users. HIB also uses analytic methods, such as content analysis, to analyze information sources and examine how it is used in different contexts.

Application of HIB

There are numerous practical applications of HIB. One of the most common applications of HIB is in the field of library and information science. Libraries use HIB to better understand how patrons search for and use information resources. This helps libraries adapt their services to better meet patron needs and improve the quality of information services. HIB is also used in digital marketing. By studying how people search, find, and use information online, businesses are better able to target their audience and tailor their messages to increase engagement. Additionally, HIB is used in healthcare. Healthcare providers use HIB to understand how patients and their families search for and use health information to better plan and provide care.


In conclusion, HIB stands for Human Information Behavior. It is a research methodology used to analyze the behavior and processes of humans while they are accessing, utilizing and storing information. HIB consists of three main components, context, cognition, and behavior, and employs various methods, such as ethnographic methods and content analysis. The practical applications of HIB are numerous and include library services, digital marketing, and healthcare.

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