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Introduction The Hare Krishna Movement, also known as the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON), is a religious organization founded in 1966 by A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. Based on the philosophy of Krishna consciousness, the organization has spread to over 100 countri......


The Hare Krishna Movement, also known as the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON), is a religious organization founded in 1966 by A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. Based on the philosophy of Krishna consciousness, the organization has spread to over 100 countries worldwide, growing into a vibrant international community of devotees of Lord Krishna, among whom are members of diverse cultural and socio-economic backgrounds. The Hare Krishna Movement has been widely celebrated for its meaningful contribution to the spiritual and cultural development of society.


The Hare Krishna Movement can trace its roots back to the 15th century in India, where the doctrine of “sambandha”, or connection, between man and God is believed to have originated. A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, founder of ISKCON, was a spiritual teacher, author, philosopher and social reformer who is seen as having revolutionized Vedic culture and is celebrated for bringing Krishna Consciousness to the West.

In 1966, Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada arrived in America and began teaching the ancient Vedic scriptures, aiming to popularize the practice of Bhakti yoga and bring the basics of Vedic culture to the West. His teachings struck a chord with the counterculture movement of the time, and by the mid-seventies, over a hundred temples had been established by his fledgling organization.

Today, the Hare Krishna Movement refers to anyone who practices or is devoted to the teachings of Swami Prabhupada and is a part of the ISKCON community. The movement remains deeply committed to the values and teachings of Hinduism and provides an avenue for spiritual insight and discovery.

What is Krishna Consciousness?

Krishna Consciousness is a form of devotional service to Lord Krishna. It is based on the teachings of the ancient Vedic scriptures and is centered on the idea of connecting the individual to God through selfless love. Adherents of Krishna Consciousness believe the ultimate goal of life is to reunite the individual soul with the Supreme Soul, or Lord Krishna, by engaging in a type of “God consciousness.” To achieve this, devotees practice a range of activities including chanting mantras, reading scriptures, and participating in temple worship.

In addition to spiritual growth and connection, Krishna Consciousness also emphasizes a lifestyle of service and selfless love for others. As such, it is an active and accessible religion that encourages adherents to live spiritual lives while finding happiness and joy in service to others.

Modern Day Practices and Beliefs

Hare Krishna devotees today typically adhere to a lifestyle that emphasizes purity and austerity. They strive to eat simply and healthily, often consuming a vegetarian or vegan diet as outlined in the Bhagavad Gita. The practice of chanting mantras or ‘hailing’ God through a litany of names is also popular, with each name representing a particular aspect of the deity’s personality. Meditation and study of Vedic scriptures are also important aspects of Krishna Consciousness.

The Hare Krishna Movement also advocates for the practice of the ‘five basic principles’ of living, which include faith in the Supreme Being, honouring the traditions set forth in the Vedic scriptures, following a vegetarian diet, abstaining from drugs and alcohol, and refraining from engaging in sexual activities outside of marriage.


The Hare Krishna Movement has brought much spiritual and social good to the world. Founded by A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada in 1966, it has since spread to more than 100 countries, leading to the establishment of vibrant, active communities of devotees. Through their practice of Krishna Consciousness, devotees strive to unite the individual soul with the Supreme Soul and to lead a life of joy, service, and selfless love.

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stock 308 2023-07-14 1033 PhoenixWing

The tabu search algorithm, also known as the tabu search heuristic, is an algorithm that is used in mathematical optimization problems. It is a metaheuristic search method which uses local search methods, combined with a memory structure that keeps track of the tabu locations. Tabu search has be......

The tabu search algorithm, also known as the tabu search heuristic, is an algorithm that is used in mathematical optimization problems. It is a metaheuristic search method which uses local search methods, combined with a memory structure that keeps track of the tabu locations.

Tabu search has been applied to many optimization problems, such as the travelling salesman problem, the knapsack problem, cutting stock problems and many others. It has been studied extensively since its introduction in 1983.

Tabu search works by letting the search process move to poorer solutions, but not to those it has explored in the past. To keep track of the past states, it uses a tabu list mechanism, which is a list of forbidden states. The search process is enhanced by a testing or aspiration criterion. The aspiration criterion allows the search to move to worse solutions in order to escape a local optimum and improve the best-known solution.

In general, tabu search is an iterative process. An initial solution is found, and then variables in the solution are modified in order to create a new, hopefully better, solution. The process is repeated until better solutions cannot be found or until a pre-determined stopping criterion is satisfied.

Reinforcing the forbidden aspects of the algorithm is an idea called intensification. This keeps the search process focused on improving its best-known solution. Meanwhile, diversification keeps the search process exploring around the best-known solution, so that it is aware of any new, better solutions that may become available.

In essence, tabu search employs a combination of memory and methodological heuristics to make an effective local search optimization technique. It is often used in situations where other optimization algorithms have not been able to find good-enough solutions.

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