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My Trajectory of Dreams Every morning since I was a small child, a dream has been taking flight in my mind like a flock of geese across a sun-kissed sky. Its been a long and winding flight, inviting me to take a closer look at the world and consider the future. I wanted a career that is both rewar......

My Trajectory of Dreams

Every morning since I was a small child, a dream has been taking flight in my mind like a flock of geese across a sun-kissed sky. Its been a long and winding flight, inviting me to take a closer look at the world and consider the future. I wanted a career that is both rewarding and meaningful, one filled with accomplishments and a sense of being important and unique. I wanted to make a difference, while also finding financial security.

My passion since youth has been a career in the medical field. I wanted to save lives, be a part of something greater than myself, and be in a high-level of cutting-edge research. After researching the various specialties within the medical field, I determined pediatrics to be the best fit for me. I believe that the wide range of ages and variety of issues that present in children are particularly compelling for me. I might work in many different areas including primary care, hospital admissions, specialty clinics, and even rehab or special care newborns.

The realization that I needed to go to graduate school to become a pediatrician was daunting. I feared that the demands of a graduate degree might be too much for me; however, my firm belief in making the world a better place continued to motivate me to pursue my goal. So I started taking the necessary steps to make my dream a reality.

I worked hard during my undergraduate degree, studying long hours and applying myself in every class. I was accepted into an esteemed medical school and felt very fortunate to have gained admission. I was predisposed to matriculate since I had been a top-ranking student in my undergraduate degree.

The rigors of medical school made it difficult to remain focused, but I persevered. I successfully completed medical school, and residency placements followed soon after. I moved to a new city for my residency, and most importantly I finally become a certified pediatrician. I could not have felt more satisfied with the end result of my work and sacrifice.

In my practice as a pediatrician, I am able to daily use my skills and my training to provide diagnosis and treatment to children in the community. My job furthers my goal of improving the lives of the young patients I treat - those lives improved become part of a larger web of existence changed in one way or another by work. I have accomplished the goal of making the world a better place, and this accomplishment has encouraged me to continue learning and growing every day. I am forever thankful to the mentors from residency and my teachers from medical school that helped me along on this path.

My trajectory of dreams is a testament to the strength and focus of my journey. It is an example of the human capacity to set long-term goals and demonstrate dedication and perseverance in order to bring them about. The intricacies of the medical field can be daunting, but it was this challenge that kept me inspired and motivated. It invigorated me to turn dreams into something real, something achievable through commitment, hard work and dedication. This trajectory could be considered successful and my goals to have been well worth the effort invested.

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