GB50274-98 Refrigeration equipment, air separation equipment installation engineering construction and acceptance specification

: GBT50274-98 Refrigeration Equipment, Air Separator Equipment Installation Engineering Construction and Acceptance Specification This specification is formulated in order to standardize engineering construction, ensure the quality and safety of engineering installation, and provide a reliable b......

GBT50274-98 Refrigeration Equipment, Air Separator Equipment Installation Engineering Construction and Acceptance Specification

This specification is formulated in order to standardize engineering construction, ensure the quality and safety of engineering installation, and provide a reliable basis for acceptance.

1. Range of application

This specification is applicable to refrigeration equipment, air separator equipment engineering installation and acceptance.

2. Definition

2.1 The engineering installation of refrigeration equipment and air separator equipment refers to the engineering and construction work of the equipments complete set of main pipeline and sub-components and the related civil construction.

2.2 The acceptance of refrigeration equipment and air separator equipment engineering installation refers to the evaluation of whether the engineering installation of refrigeration equipment and air separator equipment qualified acceptance according to the standard requirements.

3. Submitted documents

3.1 Design drawings, design specifications and other documents provided by the design unit shall be used as the basis for engineering construction.

3.2 Materials check lists and construction drawings prepared by the construction unit and approved by the supervising unit shall serve as a basis for engineering construction.

3.3 The design unit shall provide the construction unit with a set of design drawings, construction drawings, and installation diagrams (including civil engineering and installation diagrams). Construction units shall submit the qualified check list, construction drawings and installation diagrams for approval by the supervision unit before construction begins.

4. Planning and Design

4.1 The planning and design of refrigeration equipment and air separator equipment engineering installation shall comply with the relevant national and industry standards, and ensure that the equipment can be operated reliably.

4.2 The piping system of the refrigeration equipment and air separator equipment shall take into account the external wind and pressure conditions, as well as expansion and contraction due to temperature changes, and must be designed to be anti-corrosion.

4.3 The measurement of design dimensions and piping connections of refrigeration devices shall comply with the relevant requirements of the manufacturer.

4.4 The cooling water system shall be designed and installed to meet the requirements of the equipment.

4.5 The drainage system shall be designed and installed in accordance with the relevant requirements of the equipment Manufacturer.

5. Material procurement and acceptance

5.1 The materials used in the engineering installation shall meet the requirements of relevant standards, such as GB/T, non-standard materials or products, their performance and quality shall meet the requirements of the design units drawings and specifications, and they shall be inspected and verified.

5.2 The purchase, inspection and acceptance of components and parts of the installation shall comply with the provisions of laws and regulations, as well as the requirements of the design units drawings and specifications.

5.3 After entering the site, all materials shall be inspected and qualified.

5.4 The mixing ratio of the heat-intensive material, anti-corrosive material, mortar and sealing material used in the construction shall meet the requirements of the relevant national and industry standards.

6. Construction acceptance

6.1 The welding operator and welding assistant shall have a welding certificate. The welding operator and welding assistant shall be familiar with the requirements of the relevant national and industry standards and the requirements of the welding process documents before welding.

6.2 Welded parts shall pass 100 percent non-destructive testing.

6.3 The grouting of the equipment fixing bolts shall be conducted in strict accordance with the grouting process documents.

6.4 The installation and connection of the refrigeration parts shall be in strict accordance with the manufacturers drawings and manuals.

6.5 The installation of the cooling water system and drain shall be in strict accordance with the requirements of the design drawings.

7. NCR

7.1 Items that do not meet the requirements of the drawings and specifications of the design unit, or which have defects found during construction, shall be recorded by the construction unit on the non-conforming record (NCR) form, and shall be reported to the design unit in time.

7.2 After the design unit confirms that the items recorded on the NCR form meet the requirements of the drawings and specifications, the construction unit may continue with the construction.

7.3 The items that have been corrected shall be recorded on the NCR form, and the corrected items shall be accepted in accordance with the provisions of this specification.

8. Acceptance

8.1 After completing the adjustment and commissioning of the equipment, the installation site shall be kept clean and tidy, and the acceptance of the installation shall be conducted in accordance with the requirements of this specification and the drawings and specifications provided by the design unit.

8.2 The installation and acceptance of piping systems, pipework, electrical systems and civil works shall comply with the relevant national and industry standards.

8.3 After completing the engineering installation, the design unit and inspection unit shall conduct acceptance of the refrigeration equipment and air separator equipment engineering installation according to this specification and the drawings and specifications of the design unit. If it is qualified, an acceptance report shall be issued.

9. Repair and Maintenance

Repair and maintenance shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of the equipment manufacturers maintenance manual and the maintenance contract.

This specification is formulated to standardize engineering installation, improve the quality and safety of engineering installation, and provide a reliable basis for acceptance. It is an important reference in the installation, commissioning and acceptance of refrigeration equipment, air separation equipment engineering installation. It is imperative that the designers and constructors should strictly follow the requirements of this specification when designing, constructing and accepting the engineering installation of refrigeration equipment and air separation equipment.

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