Aetna effect

Introduction The Sanford-Twombly Effect, also known as the Anti-Twombly Effect, is an economic phenomenon initially described by Sanford Robertson in 1953. The effect is based on the observation that when the price of a commodity is lowered, its demand increases. This phenomenon has been studied ......


The Sanford-Twombly Effect, also known as the Anti-Twombly Effect, is an economic phenomenon initially described by Sanford Robertson in 1953. The effect is based on the observation that when the price of a commodity is lowered, its demand increases. This phenomenon has been studied in various markets, with both theoretical and empirical research being conducted to further understand the effect. The Sanford-Twombly effect has been criticized for its lack of empirical proof, however, there is substantial evidence supporting the existence of the effect in certain markets.

Background Information

The Sanford-Twombly effect is an increase in demand when the price of a commodity is lowered. This phenomenon has been studied in the markets for both goods and services. The effect was first described by Sanford Robertson in 1953, and was later expanded upon by Kenneth Twombly in 1961. The effect is most commonly seen in the commodities markets and is usually depicted graphically in the form of a downward-sloping demand curve.


The theoretical basis for the Sanford-Twombly effect is based on basic economic principles. The idea is that when the price of a commodity is lowered, the demand for the commodity will increase. This is due to the law of demand, which states that when the price of a good is lowered, people will consume more of it and vice versa.

The effect can be further explained by the concept of elasticity of demand. Elasticity of demand measures how much the quantity of a commodity demanded changes with a change in its price. The Sanford-Twombly effect suggests that the elasticity of demand is greater than one, meaning the quantity demanded increases when the price is decreased. This is in contrast to the traditional law of demand, which suggests that the elasticity of demand is less than one, meaning the quantity demanded decreases when the price is lowered.

The Sanford-Twombly effect can also be theorized as a form of shoppers’ market. In a shoppers’ market, consumers are more likely to purchase goods or services if there is a perceived benefit from the decrease in price. This perceived benefit can come from the feeling of getting a good deal, or from the desire to save money.


The theory of the Sanford-Twombly effect has been tested empirically using data from various markets. The results of these studies have generally been consistent with the theory.

One notable example of research into the Sanford-Twombly effect is a study conducted by Gaines and Siddiqui (2008). Using data from the auto retail industry, they found that a 10 percent decrease in the price of a vehicle increased the number of buyers by roughly 12.5 percent. The authors concluded that the Sanford-Twombly effect was present in the auto retail industry.

In addition to this study, there is additional evidence to support the Sanford-Twombly effect. For example, several studies looking at the airline industry have also found that a decrease in airfare leads to an increase in demand for air travel. Additionally, research looking at the grocery industry has also found that a decrease in prices leads to an increase in demand for certain items.


In conclusion, the Sanford-Twombly effect is an economic phenomenon initially described by Sanford Robertson in 1953. The effect is based on the observation that when the price of a commodity is lowered, its demand increases. The effect has been studied in various markets and the theoretical basis for the Sanford-Twombly effect is supported by basic economic principles. Empirical evidence from various markets supports the existence of the Sanford-Twombly effect and suggests that it is present in certain markets.

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