Refractories for electric arc furnaces

Refractories 554 1058 Emily

Introduction The purpose of this paper is to present an overview of the materials used in induction arc furnaces. An induction arc furnace is an electrical furnace used for the non-ferrous melting and alloying processes. The furnace is powered by an electric current that is converted into an elec......


The purpose of this paper is to present an overview of the materials used in induction arc furnaces. An induction arc furnace is an electrical furnace used for the non-ferrous melting and alloying processes. The furnace is powered by an electric current that is converted into an electromagnetic field by a coil placed around the furnace’s vessel. The induction current creates a high degree of heat within the arc, which is then appropriately distributed around the vessel to yield its desired purpose. Induction arc furnaces are used in various areas of industry, ranging from scrap recycling and steel production to the production of non-ferrous alloys and precious metals. Due to the important role they play in manufacturing, it is essential that the right materials to be used in their construction, so as to ensure the longest life of the furnace and reliable operation with the highest degree of safety.

Refractory materials

Refractory materials used in induction arc furnaces must be able to withstand high temperatures and harsh conditions of use. The refractory material must also be chemically inert and able to maintain its structure, in order to ensure that it can protect the furnace from potential damage.

The most common materials used for lining induction arc furnaces are fireclay bricks, alumina-magnesite bricks and alumina-zirconia bricks. Fireclay bricks are made from clay mixed with alumina and other compounds, and have excellent thermal shock resistance. They offer good resistance to slag, corrosion and chemical attack, helping to protect the furnace vessel from corrosion and wear.

Alumina-magnesite and alumina-zirconia bricks are also used for lining induction arc furnaces. These materials are made by combining alumina with magnesia and zirconia to form a fused refractory. They offer good abrasion resistance and can withstand high temperatures, making them suitable for use in induction arc furnaces.

Insulating materials

In addition to refractory materials, insulating materials are also used in the construction of induction arc furnaces. These materials are used to insulate the furnace vessel and prevent heat loss. The materials chosen for such applications must be able to resist heat, as well as wear, slag and abrasion.

Insulating materials commonly used for these furnaces include ceramic fibers, refractory castables, insulation blankets and insulation boards. Ceramic fibers are lightweight strands of inorganic fibers which can be used as an effective insulating material, offering excellent thermal stability and resistance to wear and slag. These fibers are often combined with alumina and magnesia to form a composite material which is used to line furnace vessels.

Refractory castables are high temperature resistant materials that can be used to replace the traditional fireclay bricks and ceramic fibers. These materials consist of a mix of insulating and refractory ceramic fibers and alumina, magnesia and other compounds. They are usually poured into an induction furnace mould, where they set and harden to form a lining for the furnace chamber.

Insulation blankets and insulation boards are another alternative for lining induction arc furnaces. These materials are usually made from alumina silica fibers, silica and other refractory compounds. They offer superior insulating characteristics and resistance to furnace atmospheres and high temperatures, making them an ideal choice for induction furnaces.


The materials used in the construction of induction arc furnaces play an important role in the safety and reliability of the equipment. The choice of materials should be made specific to the application and must be of the highest quality and standards. In this paper, an overview of the refractory and insulating materials used in induction arc furnaces has been presented, along with their uses and benefits.

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