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Finance and Economics 3239 03/07/2023 1044 Ava

Preferring a Cashless Payment Payment by cash has been the prime and preferred medium of transaction all over the world for centuries. Not only for the purchase of everyday stuff, but also for purchasing big items or making large sum payments like the down payment for a house or buying a car or ma......

Preferring a Cashless Payment

Payment by cash has been the prime and preferred medium of transaction all over the world for centuries. Not only for the purchase of everyday stuff, but also for purchasing big items or making large sum payments like the down payment for a house or buying a car or making loan payments to banks, cash transactions were preferred by people all over. But the recent era of digitization has led to the introduction of various cashless payment methods.

These cashless payment methods not only provide a safer mode of transaction but are also much more convenient and hassle free as compared to cash payments. However, even so, people have preferred to use Cash as the currency of their preference due to various reasons. But here are a few reasons why converting to a cashless payment system is a much better idea.

The first and most obvious benefits of using cashless payments is safety and security. Considering that cash payments often involved the risk of theft and loss and were frequently subject to faltering due to counterfeit money, cashless payments are a much safer option. With the help of cashless payments, you are without doubt that the transaction is securely being conducted without the risk of theft and loss. Not only will it ensure that the money is secure, but it also reduces the need for carrying large sums of cash at one time.

At the same time, cashless payments are much more convenient when compared to carrying cash around. In addition to the lack of need to visit a bank and withdraw a large sum of money at once, the convenience with which transactions can be conducted during an emergency or in a hurry with the simple press of a button is far too beneficial to ignore.

Apart from these, another great advantage of cashless payment is the reward schemes. Cash payment options do not withhold any advantages other than being accessible, whereas various cashless payment options offer various reward schemes like bonus points, cash back or discounts every time a transaction is carried out. This is an added bonus as it rewards users for every successful transaction they make and make payment system even more attractive and beneficial.

Finally, cashless payment is also much easier to track. As it keeps a digital record of the transaction and the method of payment, it becomes easier for one to track their expenses and ensure that no errors have occurred in the transaction. This further provides users with a sense of security and is a great way to ensure that payments are being tracked accurately.

All these advantages put together, it is no surprise that cashless payments have become the preferred choice of many people all over the world. Not only are these methods of payment more secure, convenient, and safe from theft, but they are also relatively easy to use, track, and provide various rewards schemes. Cash payment options have been the go-to choice for centuries, but with cashless payments slowly taking the lead, it won’t be a surprise if cash payment options go obsolete in the near future.

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Finance and Economics 3239 2023-07-03 1044 Breezy Blue

National Redemption Bond National redemption bond is an investment instrument issued by governments or quasi-governmental organizations to raise money from the public. The bondholder is promised a fixed rate of return and the stable repayment of capital in the future. It is also meant to be a me......

National Redemption Bond

National redemption bond is an investment instrument issued by governments or quasi-governmental organizations to raise money from the public. The bondholder is promised a fixed rate of return and the stable repayment of capital in the future. It is also meant to be a medium for citizens to participate in the national charity programs, allowing them to contribute to the nations economic and social progress.

As an investment instrument, national redemption bonds offer a dependable source of returns and are considered to be a low-risk option. It is a fixed-rate, risk-free debt instrument, with a guaranteed pay-back value. The interest rate is guaranteed, and investors that hold the bond to maturity are certain to receive the promised principal and accumulated interest.

National redemption bonds also provide a convenient source to finance government programs. Companies, governments, and charities can issue national redemption bonds as a way to raise money to finance projects. The funds raised can be used for social protection, infrastructure development, projects for employment growth, or for other development programs meant to benefit citizens.

Investing in national redemption bonds can provide stability to an investment portfolio. Because these bonds pay back both the principal and interest, investors can count on a regular income that is much less impacted by market movements than investments in stocks or commodities. Thus, bonds are suitable for conservative investors who are looking for steady returns with minimal risk.

The security of investing in redemption bonds is further supported by the governments promise to repay the face value of all bonds that remain outstanding after maturity. This means that, even when the bondholder passes away, the debt will not pass on to the estate and will be repaid by the government. This makes the bond an ideal investment tool for individuals who prioritize a steady source of income with a guarantee of safety.

Overall, investing in national redemption bonds offers investors dependable returns with minimal risk. The bonds are backed by a stable source of repayment, meaning that investors can be sure to receive their capital and interest payments in full. Furthermore, moving money into redemption bonds means that investors can benefit from the stability that comes with the government’s guarantee of repayment. As such, redemption bonds make an excellent investment tool for individuals looking for dependable income without the volatility associated with other investment instruments.

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