Dimensional tolerances of castings with casting hardness test blocks (abstract) GB 6414-861

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Introduction GB 6414-861 is a national standard about castings in China. The main purpose of this standard is to specify the dimensions, tolerances and hardness test requirements for different types of castings. Definition of GB 6414-861 GB 6414-861 is a standard for Castings. It specifies the ......


GB 6414-861 is a national standard about castings in China. The main purpose of this standard is to specify the dimensions, tolerances and hardness test requirements for different types of castings.

Definition of GB 6414-861

GB 6414-861 is a standard for Castings. It specifies the requirements on the dimensions, tolerances of castings and the requirements of the hardness test. The standard applies to all kinds of metallic castings such as steel, stainless steel, cast iron, aluminum, copper and alloys.

Requirements of GB 6414-861

The standard specified the general requirements on castings. The requirements include but not limited to the requirements on the casting dimension, geometry, condition, surface roughness and tolerances. The requirements also cover the requirements for the hardness test and the necessary test equipment.

The dimension requirements stipulate the general requirements on the size and shape of the casting, including the maximum and minimum permissible dimension, tolerance and range. The technical requirements further specify the allowable variations on the surface shape, contour and finish.

The hardness test requirements of the standard believes high importance to the determination of surface hardness. The required test equipment includes but not limited to the Rockwell [H] Scale, Leeb [L] Scale, Vickers [V] Scale, and Cone Penetration [K] Scale. For each casting, the hardness level must be clearly stated, and should be tested according to relevant principles and requirements.


In conclusion, GB 6414-861 is a national standard in China regarding castings and its surface properties. It specifies the general requirements on surface roughness, tolerance, hardness level and testing methods. The requirements stated in this standard should be strictly followed and understood to ensure that the castings meet the necessary performance requirements.

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