chromic nose disease

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Chromium Poisoning Chromium poisoning, also known as chromium oxide poisoning or chromium toxicity, is a condition caused by toxic levels of chromium. Chromium is an element found in the Earths crust and is manufactured for a variety of industrial and consumer uses. Chromium is found in common pr......

Chromium Poisoning

Chromium poisoning, also known as chromium oxide poisoning or chromium toxicity, is a condition caused by toxic levels of chromium. Chromium is an element found in the Earths crust and is manufactured for a variety of industrial and consumer uses. Chromium is found in common products such as stainless steel, leather and inks. Exposure to high levels of chromium can result in serious health problems, so caution must be taken to limit exposure and avoid chromium toxicity.

Chromium poisoning occurs when a person is exposed to an excessive amount of chromium. Chromium can enter the body in various ways including inhalation, ingestion, and skin contact. The most common route of exposure is inhalation of chromium-containing dusts, especially when working in an industrial setting. People who work with chromium and its products, including those in factories and welding shops, are at greatest risk of developing chromium poisoning.

The signs and symptoms of chromium poisoning vary depending on the route of exposure and the amount of chromium that has been absorbed into the body. Common signs and symptoms of acute poisoning include nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and dizziness. Symptoms of chronic exposure can include skin discoloration, respiratory problems, and liver and kidney damage. In severe cases, chromium poisoning can lead to death.

The diagnosis of chromium poisoning is based upon a thorough clinical evaluation and physical examination, as well as laboratory tests that measure the amounts of chromium in the body. Treatment for chromium poisoning includes the administration of intravenous fluids and chelating agents, which bind to chromium and help the body eliminate it. Supportive treatments may also be necessary to treat the symptoms of chromium poisoning. The prognosis for people with chromium poisoning is generally good, especially with prompt treatment.

Prevention is the best way to avoid chromium poisoning. People should avoid exposure to chromium-containing products and take precautions when working in an environment where chromium is present. Wearing protective clothing and respirators can help prevent inhalation of chromium dusts and fumes. People should also be aware of the potential for chromium toxicity and be sure to seek medical attention if they have been exposed to high levels of chromium.

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