Mechanical Properties of German DIN Standard High Manganese Cast Steel and Wear-resistant Cast Steel

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Introduction In the modern world of manufacturing, steel is a material that is used for a variety of applications. Among the most common types of steel used for industrial purposes is DIN-standard high manganese cast steel and abrasion resistant cast steel. In Germany, DIN standards dictate the p......


In the modern world of manufacturing, steel is a material that is used for a variety of applications. Among the most common types of steel used for industrial purposes is DIN-standard high manganese cast steel and abrasion resistant cast steel. In Germany, DIN standards dictate the properties that steel must have in order to be used in industrial applications—such as mechanical properties, chemical composition, and even manufacturing processes. Therefore, it is important to understand the mechanical properties of high manganese cast steel and abrasion resistant cast steel, as they are typically the benchmark for mechanical performance in German DIN standard steels.

Mechanical Properties of High Manganese Cast Steel

High manganese cast steel is a type of steel commonly used for industrial applications. It is composed of a high 10-14% Manganese alloyed with a portion of carbon, silicon, and other elements. It is produced through the casting process and has good casting capabilities. It has properties of good thermal conductivity and heat-resistance, outstanding mechanical strength, and impact resistance.

High manganese cast steel is used for producing parts that need good wear and abrasion resistance, such as crusher jaws, mill liners, and chutes. High manganese cast steel typically has higher strength at low temperatures, while having better wear and abrasion resistance properties compared to other cast steels.

Mechanical Properties of Abrasion Resistant Cast Steel

Abrasion resistant cast steel is a popular material used in manufacturing of wear-resistant parts and components. It is composed of a high proportion of finely dispersed chromium-manganese alloy and other elements. This cast steel is produced by the casting process and requires special attention with respect to the hardness, heat treatment, and the selection of the right heat treatment.

The mechanical properties of abrasion resistant cast steel are determined by the properties and microstructure of the alloy. It is characterized by good impact resistance, excellent abrasion resistance, and high strength at elevated temperatures. In addition, it has excellent thermal shock resistance, wear resistance, and corrosion resistance.


High manganese cast steel and abrasion resistant cast steel are two common types of steel used in industrial applications. Both materials are composed of a high proportion of manganese alloyed with other elements and produced through the casting process. High manganese cast steel has excellent wear and abrasion resistance properties and good thermal conductivity and heat-resistance. Abrasion resistant cast steel is characterized by its good impact resistance, excellent abrasion resistance, and high strength at elevated temperatures. Both materials are commonly used in industries, such as mining and manufacturing, and they are typically held to the standards of German DIN standards, which dictate their properties and the manufacturing processes used for production.

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