VOI management model

Value of Information (VOI) Management Model Introduction In the current business environment, organizations are in a continuous state of uncertainty when making decisions. To navigate the complex and dynamic environment, organizations need to employ a Value of Information (VOI) management model to......

Value of Information (VOI) Management Model


In the current business environment, organizations are in a continuous state of uncertainty when making decisions. To navigate the complex and dynamic environment, organizations need to employ a Value of Information (VOI) management model to understand and assess their decision-making objectives. The model allows organizations to determine the value of additional information for their decision-making processes. This essay will examine the importance of the VOI management model, discuss how it works, and provide an example of its application.

Importance of the VOI Management Model

The VOI management model is an important tool for organizations to assess the value of additional information when making decisions. The model allows organizations to identify the potential benefit that an additional source of information may bring and to accurately estimate the cost of procuring the extra information. This is a critical step in the decision-making process, as it permits the organization to make an informed decision regarding the optimal amount of information they will need to make the best decision. By understanding the value of the additional information, organizations can adjust the decision-making processes to become more efficient and effective.

How the VOI Management Model Works

The VOI management model follows a system of utility maximization, which involves the recognition and assessment of benefits and costs associated with decision uncertainty. The model combines the probability of outcomes with the returns associated with each option in order to determine the optimal decision. The model uses an iterative approach to minimise guesswork and maximise the value of the additional information. This involves collecting data from multiple sources and analyzing it to understand the potential benefits it may bring. The model then uses the estimated value of the information to determine the optimal amount of information that should be procured in order to make the best decision.

Example of the VOI Management Model in Action

An example of the VOI management model in action is in the consumer electronics industry. An organization in this industry may be considering new product options and wants to assess the value of additional information about the market and customer preferences. In this scenario, the organization would use the VOI model to analyze the data from existing sources, such as focus groups, surveys, and reports, to determine the expected benefit of an additional source of information. The organization would also need to consider the cost of obtaining this information and the likelihood that it would be useful. Based on this analysis, the organization can then make an informed decision regarding whether or not the additional source of information is worth procuring.


The value of extra information can be difficult to assess accurately. By employing the VOI management model, organizations can assess the benefit of collecting additional data before making a decision. The model uses a system of utility maximization to maximize the value of the additional information and make decisions that are as informed and efficient as possible.

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