
Potassium is an essential element for mankind and other forms of life. It is found in abundance in nature and is necessary for many important metabolic functions, such as controlling blood pressure, transmitting nerve impulses, contractions of muscles, and heart beat. It is also a major constituen......

Potassium is an essential element for mankind and other forms of life. It is found in abundance in nature and is necessary for many important metabolic functions, such as controlling blood pressure, transmitting nerve impulses, contractions of muscles, and heart beat. It is also a major constituent of cellular proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Potassium plays a vital role in maintaining normal pH levels and for proper absorption of carbohydrates as well as minerals like calcium, magnesium and sodium.

Potassium can be found in many foods including dairy products, potatoes, salmon, bananas, spinach and other leafy greens, citrus fruits, potatoes, dates and other fruits and nuts. Legumes and grains also contain a significant amount of potassium. Many processed foods such as breakfast cereals, breads and crackers are fortified with potassium.

For people with healthy kidneys, the daily requirement of potassium is between 1,800 and 4,700 mg depending on age and sex. However, those with kidney diseases, cardiovascular diseases or sodium-sensitive hypertension should be careful not to consume too much potassium as it can be dangerous. Adults who consume too much potassium can experience side effects such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal pain.

In order to meet the recommended daily allowance of potassium, it is important to pay close attention to dietary intake as well as to remember to take supplements as needed. For example, if you don’t consume much meat, fish or dairy products, you may need to take a supplement pill or liquid solution that contains potassium.

In addition to dietary intake, potassium can also be absorbed through topical application. Lotions and creams that contain potassium chloride can be applied topically on the skin. Also, many salt substitutes contain potassium chloride.

In conclusion, Potassium is a very important mineral that is needed for many important metabolic functions. Everyone should make an effort to consume the recommended daily allowance of potassium in order to keep their body healthy and functioning properly. Those with certain medical conditions may need to take supplements in order to reach their recommended daily allowance.

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