Russian and European steel scrap standards

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,标题为:Russia and European Scrap Steel Standards Introduction Scrap steel is an important resource in the industrial world today. It is used not only to make steel products, but also to manufacture parts and components for various machinery, vehicles, and tools. Steel scrap comprises a wide var......

,标题为:Russia and European Scrap Steel Standards


Scrap steel is an important resource in the industrial world today. It is used not only to make steel products, but also to manufacture parts and components for various machinery, vehicles, and tools. Steel scrap comprises a wide variety of materials, ranging from common consumer items like cars, appliances or furniture to industrial scrap derived from steel manufacturing processes like shearing, stamping and machining.

As a global trading commodity, the scrap steel industry is heavily regulated and standards have been set in order to ensure the quality and safety of all the scrap steel produced. In Europe, the standard for scrap steel is determined by the European Steel Standard, EN 10025-2 which states that the material must have an appropriate chemical composition and belong to a specific grade in order to be accepted for use. In Russia, the Federal Law on Standards No.184-FZ from February 12, 2014, carries the Russian standard for scrap steel. This law sets a limit on the maximum residual content of several elements that can be present in recyclable scrap steel.

European Scrap Steel Standards

The European Steel Standard, EN 10025-2 sets out strict guidelines and regulations for the production of scrap steel. This particular standard is focused on the content of the scrap material and sets out strict criteria for the chemical composition, including the maximum residual levels of certain elements which should not exceed particular values. The alloy content of the scrap steel must also meet the standard requirements in order to be acceptable and approved.

The European Steel Standard also sets out how the scrap steel is to be classified, under a set of different categories. This classification system is used to distinguish between different types of scrap steel and simplify the process of sorting and sorting. The different categories include: light steel scrap, heavy steel scrap and steel stampings.

In addition, the European Steel Standard also sets out guidelines for the testing of scrap steel and how it should be treated during the manufacturing process. For example, the grain size, hardness and shape of the scrap metal must be inspected regularly in order to ensure that it complies with the acceptable quality standards as set by the European Steel Standard.

Russia Scrap Steel Standards

Russia adheres to the Federal Law on Standards No.184-FZ from February 12, 2014. This law sets strict limits on the maximum residual content of several elements that could be present in recyclable scrap steel to be used for producing products in Russia. The law states that the maximum allowable content for arsenic, chromium, lead, manganese and zinc should not exceed, respectively, 0.010%, 0.008%, 0.004%, 0.006% and 0.004%. It also states that the maximum allowable content for nickel, phosphorus and sulfur must not exceed 0.03%, 0.05% and 0.035%, respectively.


Scrap steel is an important commodity that is used in the manufacture of objects, products and tools. In order to ensure the safety and quality of the scrap steel produced, a set of standards have been set, both in Europe and in Russia, to control the residuals content of certain elements that could be present in recyclable scrap steel. By adhering to the European Steel Standard (EN 10025-2) and the Federal Law on Standards No.184-FZ from February 12, 2014, these standards help protect both the environment and the health of the workers who handle the scrap steel.

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