Blast Furnace Heat Balance

Ironmaking 325 1066 Isabella

Introduction In Blast Furnace Operation, the main goal is to effectively manage the balance of heat, air, gas and moisture such that there is a sufficient heat transfer from the furnace walls to the furnace charge. Heat transfer is a key component of the entire blast furnace operation; the goal i......


In Blast Furnace Operation, the main goal is to effectively manage the balance of heat, air, gas and moisture such that there is a sufficient heat transfer from the furnace walls to the furnace charge. Heat transfer is a key component of the entire blast furnace operation; the goal is to efficiently transfer heat from the furnace walls to the charge in order to ensure the best possible efficiency of the furnace components. This article will discuss the various components of heat transfer in the blast furnace, and how they can be used to optimize the furnace operation.

Types of Heat Transfer

There are three types of heat transfer in a blast furnace, each of which is critical to the operation of the furnace: convection, radiation and conduction. Convection is a type of heat transfer which occurs when air or gas moves into and out of the furnace. This movement of air or gas carries energy away from the furnace walls and can be used to either cool or heat the charge, depending on the desired effect. Radiation is another type of heat transfer which involves the exchange of energy in the form of light and heat. In the furnace, radiation transfers heat from the hotter furnace walls to the colder charge. Lastly, conduction is the transfer of heat from one solid object to another, and is the most efficient form of heat transfer in a blast furnace. Conduction occurs directly between the furnace walls and the charge, and is responsible for the majority of the heat transfer in the furnace.

Heat Transfer Considerations

In order to maximize heat transfer in the blast furnace, there are several considerations that must be taken into account. These considerations include factors such as the rate of flow of air/gas, the temperatures of the components, the types of materials used in the furnace charge and the furnace walls, and the thicknesses of each component. Additionally, it is important to ensure that there is a balance between the various types of heat transfer: that is, ensuring that conduction is maximized while radiation and convection are minimized. To accomplish this, proper airflow management is an essential part of blast furnaces, as it is necessary to keep the air and gas flowing in a manner such that desired heat transfer rates are achieved. The proper management of air/gas flow is typically accomplished by adjusting the angle and speed of the fans that circulate air/gas in the furnace.


Heat transfer is an integral part of the operation of a blast furnace and is essential for maximizing the efficiency of the furnace components. As discussed, convection, radiation, and conduction are the three types of heat transfer which occur in a blast furnace. In order to maximize heat transfer and the efficiency of the furnace, proper considerations must be taken into account such as the rate of flow of air/gas, the temperatures of the components, the materials used and their thicknesses, as well as ensuring that a balance is achieved between the different types of heat transfer. Once these considerations are taken into account, proper airflow management is necessary to ensure that the desired heat transfer rates are achieved.

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