Solidification heat transfer model of steel ingot

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Numerical Simulation of Heat Transfer Behavior in Solidification Process of Steel Ingot Abstract: Heat transfer processes are of great significance in the solidification of steel ingots. In this paper, numerical simulations are used to study the effects of different casting temperatures and cooli......

Numerical Simulation of Heat Transfer Behavior in Solidification Process of Steel Ingot

Abstract: Heat transfer processes are of great significance in the solidification of steel ingots. In this paper, numerical simulations are used to study the effects of different casting temperatures and cooling rates on the heat transfer behavior during the solidification of steel ingots. Through changing the casting temperature and cooling rate in the model, the results show that the heat transfer is significantly affected by the cooling rate and casting temperature of the steel ingot. Furthermore, the effects of cooling rate on heat transfer are more prominent than the change of casting temperature.

Keywords: Heat transfer; steel ingot; solidification; numerical simulation

1. Introduction

Heat transfer processes play a key role in the casting of steel ingots. In the solidification process of steel ingots during casting, heat is transferred from the inner surface of the steel ingot to the surrounding environment, which affects the solidification speed and microstructure of the steel ingot. Thus, understanding the heat transfer behavior during the solidification of steel ingots is very important for improving casting quality.

In the past, the casting of steel ingots was mainly studied by analysis and experiments. But the accuracy, repeatability and repeatability of experiments are all affected by many factors, and it is difficult to obtain more accurate and comprehensive data results. With the development of numerical simulation technology, researchers began to apply numerical simulation technology to the study of steel ingot casting, and conducted a lot of research on heat transfer in the solidification process of steel ingots [1].

Numerical simulation is a widely used method in the study of heat transfer mechanism in casting solidification, which can effectively solve the problems that experiments cannot solve and save experiment costs [2]. Through the modeling of physical phenomena and the development of appropriate mathematical equations and algorithms, numerical simulations can be used to study the heat transfer process of steel ingots during solidification from multiple angles.

In this paper, numerical simulations are used to study the heat transfer behavior during the solidification of steel ingots. The effects of different casting temperatures and cooling rates on the heat transfer process of the steel ingot are discussed.

2 Analysis Dim. and Model Description

For the numerical study of heat transfer processes in the solidification of steel ingots, the finite element method is used in the following simulation. The first step is to establish a heat transfer model for steel ingots which is suitable for the simulation of heat transfer processes in the solidification process of steel ingots.

The numerical simulation model of heat transfer in the solidification process of steel ingots is shown in Figure 1. The casting temperature of the steel ingot is taken as T0, the environment temperature is taken as T1, and the thickness of the steel ingot is taken as H. In the simulation, the steel ingot is divided into several slices, and the boundary conditions of the upper and lower surfaces of each slice are reasonable division of energy sources to simulate the physical heat transfer process of the steel ingot during solidification.

3 Simulation Process

3.1 Simulation Parameters

In the numerical simulation of the heat transfer behavior in the solidification process of steel ingots, the casting temperature T0 of the steel ingot is selected in the range of 1200-1700℃, and the cooling rate of the steel ingot is selected in the range of 0.001-0.0400℃/s.

3.2 Simulation Results

Figure 2(a) shows the solidification speed of the steel ingot under different casting temperatures at different cooling rates under the condition of low cooling rate (0.001℃/s). It can be found that with the increase of casting temperature, the solidification speed of the steel ingot increases with the increase of casting temperature. Figure 2(b) shows the solidification speed of the steel ingot under different cooling rates at different casting temperatures under the condition of low casting temperature (1200℃). It can be seen that with the increase of cooling rate, the solidification speed of the steel ingot increases.

Figure 3 shows the heat transfer behavior of the steel ingot under different casting temperatures and cooling rates. It can be seen that under the same cooling rate, the heat transferred by the steel ingot increases with the increase of the casting temperature. Under the same casting temperature, with the increase of the cooling rate, the heat transferred by the steel ingot increases. That is, the cooling rate has a greater effect on the heat transferred by the steel ingot than the casting temperature.

4 Conclusion

In this paper, numerical simulations are used to study the heat transfer behavior during the solidification of steel ingots. By changing the casting temperature and cooling rate of the steel ingot in the model, the effects of different casting temperatures and cooling rates on the heat transfer process of steel ingots are studied. The results show that the heat transfer is significantly affected by the casting temperature and cooling rate of the steel ingot in the solidification process. Furthermore, the effects of cooling rate on heat transfer are more prominent than the change of casting temperature.

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