glass business

Introduction Glass Box Management (GBM) is a concept which is related to the running of a business. It is used to refer to a transparent and open style of running a business. GBM is a type of business collaboration which encourages directors to share knowledge and information transparently among ......


Glass Box Management (GBM) is a concept which is related to the running of a business. It is used to refer to a transparent and open style of running a business. GBM is a type of business collaboration which encourages directors to share knowledge and information transparently among all its shareholders or stakeholders. It allows for a combined effort between all parties involved, leading to a greater understanding of each party’s goals and objectives, and leading to overall greater success.

History and Background Information

Glass Box Management is a concept that has been around for over a decade and is gaining in popularity within the business community. This particular style of management has been used initially by the tech industry, and is rapidly gaining adoption in other industries too. It has been described as a way to allow companies to be more agile and responsive to the changing market place, whilst still remaining open and honest in the way they interact and represent their brand. Furthermore, GBM is increasingly being seen as a way to ensure that all stakeholders, customers, and employees all benefit from a high level of transparency and understanding within an organisation.

Example of Glass Box Management

A very good example of GBM can be found in the approach of IBM in the early 2000s. Previously, IBM had been very closed-off and guarded about their products and services. However, with the advent of the internet and ecommerce, and the growth of the open-source movement, IBM recognised the value of being more open and transparent about their operations. As a result, they developed an open business model which allowed customers to have a much better understanding of their products and services, and also allowed them to collaborate more directly with the organisation. This approach not only enabled customers to feel more connected to the brand, but also gave IBM more insight into their customer base and what they wanted from them.


Glass Box Management is a concept which is becoming increasingly popular in the business world. It encourages transparency and encourages a more open approach to running a business. This can help to ensure trust in customers, encourage collaboration between all stakeholders, and provide firms with deep insight into their customer base. All these advantages can help a business to become much more agile and successful, and GBM is an approach which should be considered by all businesses looking to improve their operations.

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