Common English abbreviations for foreign trade

Glossary 378 1028 Abigail

International Trade Abbreviations A&FC: Advance & Finance Charge A/C: Account ABD: Alreadu Been Delivered ABL: Account of Beneficiarys Lettter ACD: Assigned Compensation Date A/E: Air Express AF: Airfreight AM: Afternoon API: Advance Payment Invoice ATA: Actual Time of Arrival AVR: Autho......

International Trade Abbreviations

A&FC: Advance & Finance Charge

A/C: Account

ABD: Alreadu Been Delivered

ABL: Account of Beneficiarys Lettter

ACD: Assigned Compensation Date

A/E: Air Express

AF: Airfreight

AM: Afternoon

API: Advance Payment Invoice

ATA: Actual Time of Arrival

AVR: Authorized Value Rate

B/N: Bank Note

BAF: Bunker Adjustment Factor

BSP: Bill of Sight Payment

C.I.F: Cost, Insurance & Freight

C&F: Cost & Freight

C/N: Credit Note

C/O: Certificate of Origin

CC: Cash Against Documents

CF: Confirmed Letter of Credit

CI: Commercial Invoice

COL: Collection

CST: Cash Against Shipping Documents

CVD: Cost & Value Declared

C/P: Contract & Performance Bond

CVP: Capital Value Proportion

DATA: Delivery Against Trust Receipt

DD: Due Date

DE: D/E Exchange

DEP: Deposit

DH: Delivered Duty Handed

D.O.: Delivery Order

EUR: European Union Regulation

EXW: Ex Works

FCA: Free Carrier

FOB: Free On Board

F/C: Foreign Currency

G/A: General Average

GBP: Guarantee of Bills Payment

GSP: General System of Preferences

H: Holding

HBL: House Bill of Lading

ICO: International Coffee Organization

IIB: Interest on Inland Bills

ISF: Importer Security Filing

LA: Legal Advice

MBL: Master Bill of Lading

M/N: Master Note

MUF: Mutual Understanding of Fee

N/C: Non-Negotiable Credit

N/D: Negotiable Document

N/T: Not Taken

O/J: Open Journal

O/T: Open Transaction

OVD: Overseas Duty

P&L: Profit & Loss

P/R: Prime Rate

POD: Port of Discharge

PP: Points to Points

PSI: Pre-Shipment Inspection

PTD: Partial Traded Discount

QC: Quality Control

R/L: Rolling Line

S/D: Services Discontinued

S/O: Security for Order

S/S: Shipping Sheet

SIS: Subsidiary Insurance System

SML: Specialized Management Line

SR: Surcharge

SRF: Shipping Request Form

TOUR: Trust Receipt Order Use

T.T.: Telegraphic Transfers

UPS: United Parcels Service

US: Uncleared Sales

VAT: Value Added Tax

VSL: Vessel

W/C: Withdraw & Cash

WR: War Risk

WTD: Wharfage Terminal Dues

XL: Exchange Line

International trade is becoming an increasingly important part of the global economy. As such, it is necessary for traders and business owners to master the language used in these transactions. Knowing the abbreviations used in international trade is essential in order to communicate effectively with partners and clients. Having a strong command of abbreviations improves efficiency and accuracy in business communication, allowing traders to make sound decisions quickly and accurately. By familiarizing yourself with international trade abbreviations, you can stay abreast of the dynamics of the global market and move closer to achieving your business goals.

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