ROTH Drum Fan Certification Criteria
Roth drum fans have been around since 1998. They are considered one of the top industrial fans, and are utilized in a variety of settings. Dust, fumes and other particles found in the air can be eliminated thanks to these powerful drum fans.
Roth drum fans are available in four different models, differing in size and price. The differences in design and power can be used in a variety of applications where specific criteria must be met. Roth drum fans must meet the requirements of the Design Standard and Performance Code issued by ROTH.
In order to certify all Roth drum fans, certain criteria must first be established. These criteria are the following:
o Design: The design of the fan must be approved by ROTH, meaning that all seams, air flow passages and rotor blades must be clearly defined and of sound construction. This includes any seals, bearings and order materials associated with a magnetic drive fan.
o Operation: The fan must be run under optimum operating conditions, meaning that no obstructive radiation sources or magnetic fields should be present. Also, any existing static or gravitational forces that could have a negative effect on the fan’s operation must be taken into consideration.
o Durability: The fan must be tested to ensure that it is designed and manufactured to endure the rigorous test of industrial use. All components must be tested for durability under varying and extreme temperatures and pressure.
o Noise Level: Sound level tests must be run to ensure that the fan meets all requited criteria for noise and vibration.
Roth has established strict standards and criteria for their drum fan selection acceptability. Any and all Roth Drum Fans must meet all of these criteria. In order to be certified and accepted, all Roth drum fans must be tested and evaluated to ensure they comply with these criteria. This will help ensure that the right fan is chosen for the right application and that each fan will be as efficient and as long-lasting as possible.